Your personal policies

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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Personal policies whether you, your relationships, your car, your home.

One of my primaries is : I will treat you the way you treat me. If you don't like what I've said, look at what you've said.

Another is no smoking (tobacco) in my duplex.
I follow a few:

Do unto others.....
Live life to the fullest
Don’t go downtown if you can tell it’s funky while uptown.
people have to accept that I'm a Sherdogger. it's been a tough & lonely road so far..
You can't kill what you can't catch

If she's not intellectual she's not for me

Never own an animal you can't be around to properly take care of : dogs for regular walks, etc
always be the calmest guy in the room

before acting on impulse, think and meditate on an event/situation/whatever and then respond

Do not let tension between you and another person you care about fester; engage in a conversation and be ready to listen

listen more, talk less
kill with kindness
always be the calmest guy in the room

before acting on impulse, think and meditate on an event/situation/whatever and then respond

Do not let tension between you and another person you care about fester; engage in a conversation and be ready to listen

listen more, talk less
Good rules, I'm always the most relaxed person present.

Be prepared : In any given situation, there are always more dumb people than smart people. If something stupid can be done, someone will do it.

Playing guitar : if I know the song confidently, turn up the volume, I'm good. If I don't know the song well enough to fake it believably, turn the volume knob down or off.

Remember to put the seat down when females are coming over.
Never eat yellow snow.
Never fuck drunk girls.
No drugs or alcohol
Manners cost nothing and always be punctual
Family over work
Travel / adventure
Never stop learning
Best mate
Check the milk date before using

When the bosses say something is a new policy, wait a month and it'll be changed

Never trust products by Electro Harmonix
never accept a gifted iPad
No more Star Wars

If a Billy Joel song comes on in a situation where I can't shut it off, I leave

I always have a knife within reach near my bed. Just because I'll never need it but I'm kind of just a little bit insecure
Try almost everything at least once. You might like it

Try to be grateful and empathetic.

Get more likes than posts.
One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.
I work daily on being present and suppressing my ego...not sure if it’s a policy...
I will get high and stay high and none of your whining will stop me.