Your favourite judo combos?

Happy Boy

Silver Belt
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
My mate gave me a lend of Ki-Young Jeon's DVD and in it he shows how to perform some of his favourite combos. His best ones were ouchi -> ippon/moroto seoinage
kouchi -> drop seoinage
drop sode tsuri komi goshi -> osoto gari
ouchi -> osoto gari

He has loads more but these were his favourites. They are better for a short player as a lot of them finish with a seoinage, so my own favourites tend to be more ashi-waza based or designed to make a player walk onto an uchi mata, so for example my favourite two which I always go for in a match would be osoto gari -> sasae or hiza guruma (or the opposite)
hiza guruma -> uchi mata.

What are your favourites?
Hiza Guruma > Hiza Guruma
Hiza Guruma > Ouchi Gari
Ouchi Gari > Harai Goshi
Hiza Guruma > Ouchi Gari > Harai Goshi
Ouchi gari> Uchi Mata
Osoto gari> Kani basami
Seoi Nage> Sukui Nage
Tomoe nage> Sode guruma
ko-uchi to ippon seoinage, morote seoi to osoto.
I have lots that I like, O uchi into Sasae, Sasae into O soto, Ko Uchi into O Uchi, Sasae into Tai Otoshi.
First reach over the shoulder and grab the belt. Then...
Hook in for ouchi gari.
Wait and see what they try to do, then if they're pushing:
If they're pulling :
Ouchi Gari.
If they're trying to square off:
Kouchi Gari.
Bubble Boy said:
First reach over the shoulder and grab the belt. Then...
Hook in for ouchi gari.
Wait and see what they try to do, then if they're pushing:
If they're pulling :
Ouchi Gari.
If they're trying to square off:
Kouchi Gari.

Nice combos.
I don't really use the russian grip often, maybe I should start.
seoi nage -> ko uchi gari
ippon seoi nage -> o soto gari w/ modded grip
For guys who like to bend over and be hyper defensive, I start a morote. They throw their legs back and spread out their weight, and I go in for some type of leg sweep. Sorry if that didn't make any sense.
only a white belt here, so i dont have a ton of throws to work with. the one combo i can occasionally pull off is faking an ippon seoinage, and if they squat to defend it, ouchi gari.
hiza guruma >harai
morote soeinage>tsode tsuri kome goshi
uchimata>o soto gari
De Ashi Barai > Tao otoshi
(fake legsweep to legthrow)
My faves are O Soto to Uchi Mata or Makikomi (depending on if the try to step out or if they try and reverse it... If they step out, they leave themselves open for Uchi or Ouchi Gari, if they try to fight it, I push then throw the arm over, slamming them to their back), or a snap down to either Russian grip if they go with it (to be followed by O guruma or a number of different throws like that... Tai O Tosh works great), or when they try to fight it, go for the legs or a Kata Guruma.

It's not always pretty, but it works nice in BJJ, where my Judo stand up is good for my level, whereas in Judo, it was always my ne waza that was ahead of the game.
Right morote to a left ippon seoinage works well also. Immediately after the jam, when they relax. Was hard to get down but when I did it worked great.