You won't find a better bjj blog on the internet than this

Yeah, its a very entertaining read: shame he doesn't update more often. Doesn't really mention anything about technique (except for odd bits, like that 'who's the daddy' thing), so its not in the same class as something like Aesopian, but certainly comparable to ones like Val Worthington, which also talks a lot about travelling round.

Previous blog thread here, if people are looking for stuff to read.
bma_mat had the best bjj blog ever. Come on now.
bma_mat had the best bjj blog ever. Come on now.

I learned how to pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar from that blog.
bma_mat had the best bjj blog ever. Come on now.

that blog is my bible. now every time i go to class i go to my instructor and say: "instructor, show me the best guy in class, because i will beat him. then i will almost beat you."
that blog is my bible. now every time i go to class i go to my instructor and say: "instructor, show me the best guy in class, because i will beat him. then i will almost beat you."

ANd then you will blog about it and write it in your diary.

Dear Diary,

I almost tapped my instructor today! and Tina is such a bitch! OMG! Today at lunch Jake asked me if I wanted my mashed potatoes! OMG! BBQ KTHXBYE~@
I learned how to pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar pull guard and armbar from that blog.

really that is all you learned from him? geez you only scratched the surface on what he had to teach should go back and read things more carefully. There are lessons about life in that blog man, lessons on love and loss... victory and defeat... armbars and armbars... Lets not forget that on the seventh day of practice the prophet said "And so ye of little skill I teach you the truth to life itself, I pulleth mine own guard and finish thine armbar."
"i like fighting 'spaz's' i don't know why the americans complain about 'noob's spazzing out'-
i think that is just as important for your development as fighting seasoned jiu jitsu guys."

haha, this guy is great. why do Brits always gotta hate on Americans?
"i like fighting 'spaz's' i don't know why the americans complain about 'noob's spazzing out'-
i think that is just as important for your development as fighting seasoned jiu jitsu guys."

haha, this guy is great. why do Brits always gotta hate on Americans?

The ones who never lived here do, I find the Brits who have actually lived in the US for more than a month, people who have actually made solid life long friends here, have a different perspective than what their preconceived vision of what a "yank" is.

I have lived in 4 countries and have heard on many occasions.."You are not like what I expected." Or what I expected of a yank...yadda yadda...
"i like fighting 'spaz's' i don't know why the americans complain about 'noob's spazzing out'-
i think that is just as important for your development as fighting seasoned jiu jitsu guys."

haha, this guy is great. why do Brits always gotta hate on Americans?

its not only the brits man.. it is pretty much the rest of the world.. being the leaders of the free world comes with a burden :D
god this guy's writing is great, i'm reading about the time he trained at a judo club in Morocco.

"I watched the instructor in the next round with one of his green belts.The green belt must have been about 17 years old,and had the same build as Sensei.
He was as game as a train.I had been watching Sensei being hard on him,scolding him more than everyone else and always being negative about this young chaps technique.

This gave away 3 points,i could tell from watching the kid and my experience of tough instructors.

1.This kid had enough talent to go all the way,certainly at National Level.

2.Sensei was reminded of himself as a green belt.

3.He was secretly Sensei's favourite pupil.

As they fought Sensei scolded the boy for every bad grip,threw him hard whenever he made a small mistake with his foot work.The boy kept coming back for more,literally throwing his being
into attacks-and they were good attacks-putting every ounce of bodyweight,momentum and technique into trying to throw sensei with almost a disregard for being countered.

When you play Judo like this kid was, the rewards when you get a throw are great.It is going to be a BIG ippon,but just like many things in life,the higher the reward the greater the risk-and if you are countered while attacking like this you will hit the ground HARD.This boy had minerals in abundance.

He didn't throw Sensei and was punished by counter's again and again.But one day he WILL throw Sensei.And when he does it will all have been worthwhile."

Great stuff.
Easy the most enjoyment I got out of Internet forums in the past years. I joined that board about 6 weeks ago, just to say thanks to the guy.
Really really excellent writing and stories. That guy should absolutely write a book. I'm at work, I just spent the past few hours reading a snippet every few minutes until I finished it. Super entertaining stuff.
Remember,there is always a little voice in the back our heads looking for an excuse not to have to train.
That voice is our ego's.It is not us.If we all led our life by listening to our ego's the world would be a terrible place.

I can practically put every bit of serious trouble i have ever been in down to listening to my ego.

Sometimes it is VERY difficult to ignore your ego,but the way ahead is to see him for what he is.He is a trickster-He wants you to believe that he is you.

He jumps on the back of your personality,and because he lives in your mind,it is easy to think he is you.Well he isn't-He is a trouble maker and is not to be listened to.

He is not your spirit.Your spirit is the real you.And your spirit and your ego are on opposing sides of a battlefield in your mind where daily wars are fought.

He's the one that tells you to jump out of the car when someone cuts you up.
He's the one that tells you to have a word with the fella in a Bar who is looking at your missus.
He's the one who tells you,you are a pussy if you let someone bump into you and don't tell the bloke off.

He is also the one who tell's you not to go training-because you might get tapped.

Every time you ignore your ego your spirit becomes a little stronger and your ego becomes closer to dying.

Don't get me wrong-If you see him for who he is,he can be a useful little fella-If you can harness his competitiveness,and his will to win it can be a very good thing,

but like everything-too much of a good thing is bad-and listen to him and treat him as your god and you will never go training.

The more you react to what your ego is telling you to do the more you become his slave,and your life becomes one big reaction.

You are pulled from pillar to post all day everyday and become controlled by your ego,and the more this happens the more powerful he becomes.


Well,the greatest trick your ego ever pulled was convincing you that he is you.

Remembering that passage helps me when I am reluctant to spar the big, strong or very talented new guy.