You suddenly realize you have the ability to freeze time at will. What do you do?

as for what i would do, no killing. all the rape will make me feel guilty enough. i'd also take the time to learn lots of skills i want to have. of course, all of my sleep would occur while time is stopped.
Spend my time watching The Twilight Zone.


Fuck yea.

Good episode.
I'd probably pull a Multiple Miggs.

See: Japanese time freeze porn.
What was that show where be girl touched the tips of her finger and time would freeze? Her dad was an alien trapped in a cube or something. Anyone remember this show?

out of this world

You guys beat me to it with that TV show.
Catchy tune.
I'd use it to become rich some how, poker tables while manipulating decks and shit, I'd have to balance it out by going to several casinos and making a few heavy losses but still be up by 20k a month or some shit. I'd likely pickpocket people too.
I'd use it to amass wealth... and that's about it.

If I see something potentially fatal or harmful about to happen to me or those around me, I'd stop time to try to rectify the situation, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do it all that often.

You have to remember, that if you're constantly stopping time, you're essentially going to age faster in relation to those around you.
You have to remember, that if you're constantly stopping time, you're essentially going to age faster in relation to those around you.

That Guy reporting in. If you stop time, the effects of your own aging must stop as well, unless you are running independently from the rest of the universe on your own completely separate timeline which includes unavoidable aging at a rate non-related to everything else (which may not be possible even in theory, as there is nothing relative to it for it to progress by)
Dismantle government and major corporations and send America into a capitalist anarchy. Also thieve at will to my own ends to protect myself as the world spirals into madness
That Guy reporting in. If you stop time, the effects of your own aging must stop as well, unless you are running independently from the rest of the universe on your own completely separate timeline which includes unavoidable aging at a rate non-related to everything else (which may not be possible even in theory, as there is nothing relative to it for it to progress by)
Even Thatter Guy reporting in.

If you stop time, for your surroundings AND yourself, then how will you be able to affect anything? Time stops for you. You won't be able to move. You won't be able to think. You won't be able to start time back up again.

If I were to be a true stickler.... if we assume that time only stops for your surroundings, how would you even be able to move? If time stops for your surroundings, that means the surrounding air would also stop, and in order for you to move through space that's occupied by a gas, that gas would have to be non-time locked. It takes time for the air surrounding you to move out of your way whenever you move. It takes time for the air surrounding you to enter and exit your lungs whenever you breath.

Moreover, how would you even be able to see? Sight is a product of photons hitting the back of your eye, with a series of complicated electrochemical processes interpreting the different frequencies as colors, shades, and objects. In order for photons to hit the back of your eye, time has to pass.

Whenever you used your power, you'd essentially be blind, deaf, unable to move, and would suffocate unless you immediately shut it off.