You guys really hurt Jouban's feelings.

I am a fan.
And I don't care about Perry (not a hater though, just didn't jump aboard his train).

But AJ is a cool dude.
I hears many interviews and podcasts where he appeared, and he is a very nice guy with a good head over his shoulders.

Thats cool but his out of all his 10 years the only good thing he ever did for the game was make Platinum a better fighter
He should continue fighting for himself and not give a shit what the unwashed masses think or say. Ten years of self improvement is not for nothing. That being said Im not surprised at all at how emotionally sensitive fighters are. It seems counterintuitve that that sensitivity drives most of them to fight in the first place but well there it is. More tears are shed in dojos than blood.

This post is pretty much right on.. Except I wouldn't use the phrase "sensitive" but that might just be semantics. Instead of "sensitive" I'd describe Jouban and other fighters shall we say "oversensitivity" to how much props they get on internet, Sherdog etcetera is because ALL they are fighing for is Props! Until POS Dana no longer has a stranglehold monopoly of all the best fighters these cats will be destroying their bodies in the most difficult sport in the world just to have the rep as the toughest cat in the world in their respective division. I'd be hypersensitive too if i was the toughest cat in the world and just as elite an athlete as Tom Brady/Lebron James/Mike Trout but had to be driving uber and working construction to pay the bills..In conclusion, somebody fire Dana...
jouban seems like a pretty cool dude. wish him luck in his future.
Thats cool but his out of all his 10 years the only good thing he ever did for the game was make Platinum a better fighter
Thats cool but his out of all his 10 years the only good thing he ever did for the game was make Platinum a better fighter

Yup, that loss helped mike Perry more than it helped jouban. That win actually hindered him
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JoubRAN needs to know that Platinum Mike Perry's fight against JoubRAN was not really a loss for Perry in the long run but more of a loss for JoubRAN.
People can tease the guy all they want, but doesn't change the fact that he's a pretty decent UFC fighter and has probably had a relatively easy time getting laid his entire life. Not sure if many people can say the same about themselves.

Gunnar Nelson is better than both of those guys, but people aren't ready for his riddim

No such thing as Jouban fans, only Perry haters
No such thing as Jouban fans, only Perry haters
This! That's why I said the whole week leading up to that fight, everyone rooting for and talking about jouban will forget who he is the following week, and he'll go back to Alan jobber
So sensitive!!! sounds like one of those male model types.
Jouban's problem is that he is too handsome. Fans need people that they can identify themselves with. That's why ugly motherfuckers like McGregor are loved.

Man you are one pathetic loser! Conor is handsome AF, like an Irish Trump in his prime, yet you feel the need to hate on him. I already know you will find some pic of young beardless Conor and try to say he isn't a #1 stunner

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