You are show this picture..


Holy Paladin
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
You are offered an all-expenses paid, 1 week vacation... you are shown this picture as it is the destination. You are NOT give any other details. Would you take the offer? You get 1 whole week off of work... paid. It does NOT subtract your vacation time saved up with the company you work for.

Would you take it or decline?

Looks like a place people would go to bang underage traps.
Is that booty bay? I used to hit up a fishing tournament just north of there on sundays.
I am disappoint this picture.
I would go. If I die, so be it. Another black rose blooms in hell
I use to bang your Mom on that boat.
Why is the boat floating? It looks like some kind of slum out of a Bio Shock video game.
You are offered an all-expenses paid, 1 week vacation... you are shown this picture as it is the destination. You are NOT give any other details. Would you take the offer? You get 1 whole week off of work... paid. It does NOT subtract your vacation time saved up with the company you work for.

Would you take it or decline?


Couldn't resist going to a place with airships. It's probably bioshock infinite or some other trap so I'd die, but fuck it. I'm not doing anything with my life anyway. At least I'd get to see flying ships before I go.
I would be very disappointed in this place is this guys wins any of the Mayberry nominations unless its for like the most prolific starter of shitty threads award.
It's a fuckin cartoon. I get a paid vacation to a fuckin cartoon?
Does anything real ever happens in your life?