Yoel Romero Late 20's and Late 30's Body Comparison

I look a lot better than I did in my 20's too and went from 155 to 200 lbs because you get older and bigger when you become a man. Also hard work and eating well helps.
If not for the bs suspension.

He's not even suspended anymore, that's the sad part. Everybody has just completely written him out of the title picture despite the fact that his suspension ended like a month ago. Yoel is an active fighter right now, and he's got the best record in the division. Hendo, Rochold, Weidman, and certainly Jacare who he beat, being considered for title shots (or given one in Hendo's case) is just plain ridiculous when Yoel isn't suspended and is available for fights.


interesting he looks more cut now
Pretty sure the official UFC fighter picks are always a little shopped to make the fighter look more ripped.
People in their late 30's are generally more muscular and stronger than people in their 20's.
Not willing to throw the guy under the bus until he fails a drug test not linked to supplements, but yeah, he's built like a he-man toy. Guy is a freaking monster.
Can you explain to us hayseeds how one passes an olympic drug test?
When they go back and test samples from previous games they typically have a lot of failed tests. So the way to pass seems to be, find a new substance they don't have a test for yet. Very effective.
Muricans trying to discredit another guy's ripped body after Brock and Jones got caught. Nice!
Lol @ all the natty 45 year old elite athletes with Grecian physiques in this thread
The random drug testing via the olympics and USADA would have caught something substantial by now.

You don't think there are designer supplements these guys are on? Naïve.


He is more jacked now, he used something, but he is still an athletic freak.
Bodybuilders don't reach their prime until their late 30's and early 40's. The slight lowering of Testosterone doesn't mean you lose all your muscle mass or are incapable of building more.

And yes, if you train you will look bigger in your 30's than in your 20's.
I wish I could like this 1000 times. Shertards are absolute idiots when it comes to age and muscle mass.
These photo comparisons are retarded, especially since one is a random pic and one is professionally done.

TS try to take several different pictures of yourself in different poses. The results can vary drastically on the same day, let alone 10 years apart.
Should u be looking almost identical to how u did in ur 20s compared to when ur 39?

Yoel already got popped for "supplements". OFC thats like someone spiking ur drink and getting raped so no biggie.

Some people especially pro athletes eat well and exercise. Its an odd concept for many

There is absolutely no reason why a prp athlete should NOT look like him
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