Ye Ol' Eat Drink & Be Married Vol 49: "We've outlasted Fred Phelps!" Edition

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Goat Meal

Shhh Belt
Oct 11, 2005
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So we're a tight knit group of guys, but in case you're lurking for the first time or plan on trolling us let me learn ya a little something:


We're about family and friends but don't think for a moment we don't have a wild streak. Equus is a trained weapon of justice, Kev is our resident racist, I constantly have food poisoning, and JMac (aka Nicest Guy on the Web) will slap the taste out of your mouth but do it with a smile on his Canadian face.

Other things that went on in the last thread or BBM.

- Juan (not sure what his name is on Sherdog) took a new job making fat bank. Drinks and hookers on him.

- Kevin drinks grocery store whiskey on the reg.

- Goat Meal has a tough 10 days with a sleepless demon baby; gets talked down off the ledge by the guys.

- Eq traveled.. MIA for most of the thread.

- KO traveled is still traveling... Bought a house... Walked away from the house when the seller refused to fix their broke ass roof.

- Treehorn got the dubs.

Also, we want to welcome all the new posters from the last thread. It's great to see us growing as a group, even though the thread is slowing down due to BBM.
Phelps is rolling over in his grave at all the man-love in this thread.
I'm not sure they're as good as terrible.

There's 4 teams somehow below them, one of which in this calendar year is supposed to be competing for home ice advantage and making noise in the playoffs.
ive clocked something awesome like 30 hours of sleep in the last week

im gonna go full goatmeal here in a min.
I got called into work from 2230 to 0230 on some bullshit last night, I just mosied back in and plan on being the antithesis of a productive worker for the remainder of the day. Definitely hitting the packie on the way home as well.
ive clocked something awesome like 30 hours of sleep in the last week

im gonna go full goatmeal here in a min.

What a little bitch baby. You've got me beat. I'm at about 21 this week. I think I'm going to have to wait to sleep till I'm dead
6 year old comes running into the room at 3am last night..."Daddy mommy, my belly really hurts...oh oh oh, it really hurts!..." Me, still trying to sleep and not one to be alarmed by such news..."what's wrong? go poop. did you fall down or something?" "nooooo, it really hurts..." lays down flat on his back for a second...turns and blows chow all over the carpet. Dammit!

I hate puke. Thankfully in 6 years of being a parent, this was basically the first time either kid has truly puked. Maybe some tiny ones, or really watery ones from drinking pool water here or there, but this was the first time I got the real deal.

Also, I don't think he's actually sick. He felt fine afterward and never had a fever or anything. He's doing fine today. So, no idea what that was all about, I just hope the bedroom doesn't still stink when I get home.

We're headed to San Diego for a full week tomorrow. Kids first time on a plane to a tropical locale and all that. They don't know about it yet, we're going to surprise them in the morning.
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