Yay or nay


Green Belt
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
I am currently at school so my choices of what to eat are somewhat limited. I am currently trying to gain about 5-10 pounds of lean mass while maintaing a somewhat healthy well rounded diet. I have listed below the foods I have access to and just answer "yay", "nay", or "won't hurt" if it basically isn't that good but won't kill me either. I currently drink a protein shake a day as well.

hot dogs


raman noodles

cheese pizza


easy mac


fried chicken

pasta w/ meat sauce


vietnamese chicken pho soup

turkey sub

italian sub

pad thai

pepperoni (slices)

vodka (jk, but im tryin to cut back)

thank you.
Go with the turkey sub on whole wheat bread, it will taste good and be good for you too.
if youre talkin about school food, the only one i see that would be good is hamburger cuz they are really soybeans (round here anyway). pasta with meat sauce wouldnt be too bad, just look at the NF on the sauce.
I don't know what the burgers are made out of. I think tire treads. I dont necessarily mean just something that will help me put on weight, I wanna get the right amount of carbs and nutrients as well. Whats NF?
I could be totally off, since the nutritional profiles for foods like these vary so widely, but here goes (for more accuracy, ask them for a pamphlet/whatever telling you the nutritional information of everything they serve...they are required by law to make available this information).

hot dogs


raman noodles

cheese pizza


easy mac


fried chicken

pasta w/ meat sauce


vietnamese chicken pho soup

turkey sub
YAY (no mayo, light cheese)

italian sub
WON'T HURT (no mayo, light cheese)

pad thai

pepperoni (slices)

vodka (jk, but im tryin to cut back)

Never mind. That was pretty easy. Screw your meal plan.
Comon guys. You have a pretty good idea of whats good and bad. Fried chicken, prolly not. Turkey, yeah. Use your head. Nowif you had a few questions regarding a few of the things that are in the area of gray, that is better. Either way all I know is there is no place in a clean diet for vodka. That is why they make Gunniess and whisky.
The majority of fat with deep fried chicken is absorbed by the bread coating, so if you take off the skin, it's not that bad. The oil has to be at right temperature, and then allowed to drip off after cooking. The moisture in the meat heats up and bubbles outward, keeping the oil from penetrating the meat.
Damn looks like my options are limited here. I figured pad thai and a burrito wouldn't be bad (as long as it's chicken) because they are mostly vegetables. Hamburgers I am probably gonna have to eat because more often than not the only other meat they serve is fried chicken.
So anyone know whats wrong with chicken pad thai and chicken burritos?
you can't pack lunch to school? The only thing I would eat on there is the turkey sandwich if it was on whole wheat bread. For carbs, I only eat the complex kind.
A good serving of vodka sure will clean you out though, last time i drink vodka i dont think there was anything left in my stomach. Food poisoning will do the same for ya, good stuff.
Mojorisin99 said:
So anyone know whats wrong with chicken pad thai and chicken burritos?

There's nothing inherently wrong with chicken burritos. I eat them all the time, but I make them myself. Have you ever looked at the nutritional profile of the prepackaged burritos at the market? Do yourself a favor, and check it out. Some of the bigger ones, I forget what brand it is, the regular bean & cheese ones have something like 70g of fat! That's more than I get in my whole day. The culprit? Oil. These are the burritos they're serving you. The chicken in those things is also probably thigh meat, or some other cheaper cut with a higher percentage of fat. Rarely in mass-produced prepackaged burritos is breast used.

Pad Thai would be healthy, but have you ever checked what they cook it in? Lard, man, straight freaking lard. The noodles are already pretty fatty and high in cholesterol, too, since they usually use a lot of yolks.

Those are actually two of the probably least healthy items on that list. A hotdog is better.
Timbaland said:
you can't pack lunch to school? The only thing I would eat on there is the turkey sandwich if it was on whole wheat bread. For carbs, I only eat the complex kind.

Well i'm at college so we have dining commons. We are only allowed certain sized fridges so I can't really pack that thing with the stuff I want. Plus we don't have kitchens so all I got is the Foreman Grill.
Mojorisin99 said:
Well i'm at college so we have dining commons. We are only allowed certain sized fridges so I can't really pack that thing with the stuff I want. Plus we don't have kitchens so all I got is the Foreman Grill.
Buy lean lunch meat. It doesn't take up too much space, and beats everything on your list. I would also add Ramen to the Nay list. I know they are cheap, but don't rely on them for meals too often.
Pepperoni slices should be substituted with the turkey variety if possible.
If you have a freezer, I suggest Lean Pocket Ultras. They have a good ratio of protein/carbs/fat and clock in at 200 calories each. If you have a Kroger near by, they are usually around 2.00 a peice.
By the way, are you on a meal plan, thus the limited choices? Check the salad bar. They usually have lean meats there.
Tkdmmafighter said:
if youre talkin about school food, the only one i see that would be good is hamburger cuz they are really soybeans (round here anyway). pasta with meat sauce wouldnt be too bad, just look at the NF on the sauce.
I think you need to do some reading up on Soy. From what I have read they have found soy to attach itself to the protien receptors and turn to estrogen. Men especially should stay away from soy products.
grapling101 said:
I think you need to do some reading up on Soy. From what I have read they have found soy to attach itself to the protien receptors and turn to estrogen. Men especially should stay away from soy products.

Soy will not make you grow tits.