International Xinjiang: A Report and Resource Compilation

What's hilarious is that most of their ''knowledge'' about China comes from the media arms of a batshit insane ufo cult, Falun Gong. The Epoch Times (falun gong) is the most read app in the US now, China Uncensored (falun gong) is also watched by millions of dupes, it's not really surprising that anti-asian violence is on the rise in the US, Canada, Australia. Imagine if Chinese people got their news about the US from Scientology newspapers and talk shows, that's the level most americans are at when it comes to China.
Really? That's pretty fucked up if true. Where did you get that from?

Xinjiang "concentration camp" look better than my city. Certainly better than Afghanistan occupied by NATO invaders.
@DoctorNick You should be eternally grateful to LeBron for finally bringing your mess of a city a sports championship after all those years. Who cares if he left after.
@DoctorNick You should be eternally grateful to LeBron for finally bringing your mess of a city a sports championship after all those years. Who cares if he left after.

First, Cleveland is much less of a garbage place than it used to be (that's not saying much), and second it was more fun relying on the Browns. Who cares about basketball.

Why you hating on your basketball GOAT?

Because he ditched our city for the Lakers. Its a Cleveland thing.
Really? That's pretty fucked up if true. Where did you get that from?

It was the most downloaded newspaper app a few months ago, no idea how well they kept that up tho:

You're just gonna be hungrier an hour later.
funnily enough ive never had that with american style chinese food shits filling to me so is traditional on the rare occasions ive had it .
Ok I'll just go on one of the many free platforms that China allows people to speak freely on. I'm sure they'll be able to give me straight answers right TS?
+10 social credit points and +50 cents to the CCP shills

Xi Jinping Bless

Yikes. You’re in the wrong side of history bud. People will look at you crazy just like the Holocaust deniers.
Guys I get it, I finally get it. This guy works for the CCP and was sent to the USA for a massive disinformation campaign. It all makes sense now. He scours the internet via Google to see who is saying bad stuff about China and joins forums to spread misinformation about them. He doesn't have to make us believe what he is saying, he just needs to sow doubt in our minds about all the previous report and articles we've read. Very clever, I hope they are paying you well.
I bet he is sending our info to his overlords.
Send this to your boss