Wyoming - Republican group trying to ban Wind & Solar energy companies selling to locals


Plutonium Belt
Apr 9, 2007
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In Wyoming a group of Republican lawmakers are trying to ban energy companies selling to Wyoming residents energy that was harvested from wind and solar. The lawmakers come from counties that are big coal producers.

The bill would still let the energy companies sell the renewable energy out of State.


Currently, about 90 percent of the electricity provided to the half-million residents of Wyoming comes from coal. The leftover electricity Wyoming generates is sold to the rest of the country. Selling Wyoming-made solar and wind energy to other states would remain legal even if this bill were passed. It’s the right of the utilities to sell solar and wind to residents of Wyoming that would be restricted.

Under this proposal, if a utility provided energy produced by a large-scale wind or solar plant to Wyoming residents, it would be fined $10 per megawatt sold. Only energy from coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, oil and small-scale, privately-owned solar panels and wind turbines could be sold without repercussions.

Good. What has wind and solar energy ever done for us besides kill our eagles and steal whatever's left of our sun's energy?
Good old-fashioned one hand washing the other.
National media should be shinning a spotlight on this Republican group and its attempts ; they should be forced to explain on TV.
There is literally no legitimate reason to do this.
How very free market of them


The National Solar Jobs Census just came out and it turns out that solar creates more jobs than oil and gas extraction.

the solar workforce grew 20 percent in the United States. According to the census, the industry added 35,052 jobs, elevating its grand total to 208,859. That builds on the 31,000 jobs added the year before, and 23,600 added the year before that.



We need to ban coal energy. But I heard Trump is getting rid of all those conservation laws. GG. We will kill ourselves soon enough. You know how bad China's air is? Well, by the end of Trumps presidency we will be just as bad.

And 90%? Isn't that against the monopoly law?
I'm not sold on solar. I mean what happens if/when we use up all the sun? Then were really fucked.
If people are worried about jobs, I think we should pay them to walk in giant gerbil wheels that will utilize their foot power to generate electricity. Or just imagine a field of giant gerbil wheel generators with scores of mobility scooter bound Americans doing laps for a paycheck. Make The Obese Great Again.
Socialist Germany is generating a lot of energy through Solar.

Do we want to become Germany, do we want to be cucks like them and allow hordes of Afghanis and MidEastern Muslims to abuse our women? No? , then ban solar and wind!
We need to ban coal energy. But I heard Trump is getting rid of all those conservation laws. GG. We will kill ourselves soon enough. You know how bad China's air is? Well, by the end of Trumps presidency we will be just as bad.

And 90%? Isn't that against the monopoly law?
Literally felt like I was breathing a fire in Beijing. It was horrific.
Literally felt like I was breathing a fire in Beijing. It was horrific.
Tell me about it. I was in China in 2014 and got a sore throat within the first two days from all that crap in the air. I only stayed two weeks, but I actually worried for a bit about lung cancer.
Tell me about it. I was in China in 2014 and got a sore throat within the first two days from all that crap in the air. I only stayed two weeks, but I actually worried for a bit about lung cancer.
I didn't really fully believe people or grasp the weight of it. When I write horrendous I mean it. I can only imagine an entire generation of Chinese people living in those conditions will have all sorts of cancers. Everyone was waking around with masks.
Anyone who wants to use the government to ban people from competing with them in the free market, left-wing or right-wing, is a piece of ****.
A little more on this and more balanced.


I still would not support this law unless I knew more then what I have read.

Balanced? . Townhall's is throwing a fuss over a sensationalist headline to try and deflect and befuddle the issue at hand

The links in my OP and my own comment specifically state the ban applies only to the sale of wind and solar to Wyoming residents from wind and solar generating companies. The article TownHall is referring to itself states :

" Republican lawmakers in Wyoming have introduced a bill that would block the use of renewable energy in the state. If passed, utilities that use wind or solar to produce power for Wyoming residents would be penalized with a costly fine of $10-per-megawatt-hour. "

A stupid comment from Townhall : if governments can favor wind and solar then why can't they favor coal !

" Many states mandate utilities generate a certain percentage of electricity from renewable energy sources. These laws are intended to improve environmental quality by supporting zero or low air emissions energy. The laws are also often specific to wind and solar and rarely include other zero carbon and zero air emissions energy sources like nuclear, hydropower, or clean coal. If it is silly to preference coal or even clean coal to the detriment of solar and wind, is it not also silly to preference wind and solar to the detriment of other emissions free sources? "

..because wind and Solar are renewable ! and are generally better for the environment, except in cases where wind causes too many bird deaths that other energy sources might be better.