WTF UFC Translators ?!


Purple Belt
Oct 22, 2014
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Im a german and I find this really awul, basically at 0:45 Siver says " he (Conor) has an unorthodox fighting style which makes fighting against him really hard " and the UFC translates it with " there are not any areas where he is better than me even though he says so " LMAO SERIOUSLY ????? STOP WITH THE BS UFC
gotta sell them wolf tickets bro
Thanks for the link anyway, hadn't seen that vid.

(translation: come at me bro, i will beat u up)
I was expecting some parsing of syntax.... but that was bad. Is it possible he said it somewhere else in the interview and they simply used the improper clip?
I was expecting some parsing of syntax.... but that was bad. Is it possible he said it somewhere else in the interview and they simply used the improper clip?

No multiple people on the forums have been accusing the UFC of the horrible translations like Pride used to do. Although I can tell that some of the translations are at least close.
Oh I can't wait for the day someone heavier enough calls them out on it!

It's morally disgusting and disrespectful to the fighters. I'm getting used to that from the UFC.

Im a german and I find this really awul, basically at 0:45 Siver says " he (Conor) has an unorthodox fighting style which makes fighting against him really hard " and the UFC translates it with " there are not any areas where he is better than me even though he says so " LMAO SERIOUSLY ????? STOP WITH THE BS UFC

You should make put the real translation in the comments and see if UFC deletes it.

I wonder if UFC also makes up stuff in their overseas promos dubbed/subtitled in foreign languages.
I can't for the life of me remember who it was or even what language the guy was speaking, but awhile ago there was a clip of a fighter who clearly understood some English but preferred to do the interview in his native tongue, and he would say something, the "translator" would then say something to the media which was OBVIOUSLY different from what the fighter said, and the guy would just keep looking over at his camp and laughing, knowing that the translator was just making random shit up.
Ru serious? I mean little bit off is fine, there are some things that are hard to translate directly (or lost in translation), but this is just totally different meaning/context.
I bet their show producers watch a lot of Jersey Shore and other reality drama...

(Translation: Keep the lame ass fake drama BS out of MMA)
Ufc translates foreign fighters interviews in ways to hype fights

Ufc makes fighters talk shit in interviews against their will to hype fights

Ed Soares does PG versions of translations of Anderson silvas post fight interviews.

Illuminati is to blame.
that was not the only thing. i am not sure if they got a single sentence right...
he didn't say complicated stuff. they just put the random promo lines below.
the difference between what he says and the subs is kinda sad
That's nothing. Check out a Bellator promo for a Russian fighter. They lay it on even thicker.

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