Wrestling tryouts ina month.


Always Striving.
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Ok.. I have never wrestled, but this year I want too. I have like 6-7 months of bjj experience, mostly with the GI. I am just now coming off an injury, and I am wondering what things I should do between now and the end of october to get prepared for wrestling.. I think I am going to start jj again next week possibly.. and they might have wreslting classes in the morning, but Idunno if my shoulder can take straight wrestling yet.

so basically I am asking you guys what things, besides straight up wrestling should I do in preparation?
stay off the shoulder.. you dont want to reinjur it.
Do burpees, wind sprints, couldnt hurt to do a little reading up on wrestlings rules and weight classes. Work on your cardio and explosiveness and stay away from training as long as the shoulder is hurting you.

You might be a little depressed about missing practice because of it, but its alot better then not being able to use that shoulder to its full potential for the rest of your life like me. I had chronic shoulder problems and continued with judo which resulted in more and wrose injurys to my shoulder... now the pain plagues me and i have to modify my BJJ game to fit it... I have more of a guard game now than anything else....
thirty seconds, walk thirty seconds, sprint 30 seconds.

Go for as many full minutes as you can. try starting with 4
ahhk, i can do that a lot, but i am a slow sprinter lol.


just did like 10-12 minutes,kinda lost track.
shit i can do like 5 minutes tops.. i runn full out and then walk 30 keep it timed some times 20 seconds go's by real fast.
Yeah, I am kinda flabby, but I have been running a lot so It's getting a lot better. I may have counted a little bit slower on my breaks haha.
Gsoares2 said:
stay off the shoulder.. you dont want to reinjur it.
Do burpees, wind sprints, couldnt hurt to do a little reading up on wrestlings rules and weight classes. Work on your cardio and explosiveness and stay away from training as long as the shoulder is hurting you.

You might be a little depressed about missing practice because of it, but its alot better then not being able to use that shoulder to its full potential for the rest of your life like me. I had chronic shoulder problems and continued with judo which resulted in more and wrose injurys to my shoulder... now the pain plagues me and i have to modify my BJJ game to fit it... I have more of a guard game now than anything else....

yeah good advice.

Doing 30 seconds of going all out and then 30 seconds of walking is great for wrestling.

Also, along the same lines, I suggest that you try to do this at least once a week: Go to the track or football field, and set the timer for 3 minutes. Then, run, and I mean run, as hard as you can for the entire three minutes without stopping. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then repeat 2 more times, except this time, do it for 2 minutes rather than 3, and rest 1 minute in between the last 2 intervals. A wrestling match is generally 3 rounds, with the first round being 3 minutes, and the last two being 2 minutes, so if you could pull this off at least once a week, this would be great for getting ready for an actual wrestling match. It is very hard, but if you want to be in the best shape and get the most out of your anaerobic exercises for wrestling, do this. You can also do this on a stationary bike at the gym.
Just do a WHOOOOLE lot of cardio.. I cannot stress that enough.. Like most everyone said.. Do sprints..

I perfer uphill sprints all out as hard as you can for about 40 seconds-1min.. 'til you feel you're going to die then do 10 seconds more.. Take a 30 seconds rest in between sets.. Do plyro jumps, burpees, pushups, whatever bodyweight exercise you want.. then do another sprint... Repeat for 5-8 sets.

In the morning before you eat anything is best.
Yeah.. thanks guys. this is what I was looking for.. I am going to make sure my cardio makes up for my weak upperbody strength.. I think I am also just gonna do private lessons 3-4 times a week with an instructor at my jj club, to just focus on wrestling.
try sprinting for distance sprints too...like 100-400 meters....for however many you want with a short ( <1 minute) break....if the distance is short like 100 meters you could probably just jog it back and go again....but for the longer ones like 400 meters (one lap around a track) youll probably need a little while.....dont worry about your performance deteriorating at you go on...as long as your giving it 100%
dapunisher said:
someone explain burpee to me please.

Squat down on your haunches with your hands directly in front of you on the ground, then jump your feet back into a push-up position (sometimes we were made to do 1 or more push-ups before reurning to our feet), then jump them back so you are on your haunches again, then stand up. That is 1 burpee. Repeat as desired. Sorry if my explanation is shit, it's kind of a hard exercise to describe.
you touch your chest on the ground, stand up and jump
it's a gay squat thrust.

dont worry about knowing moves or anything. your coach can teach you all he wants you to know and would rather not have to make you unlearn anything first so dont worry if you havent wrestled before. just get into the best shape.

wrestling is won by 3 things. technique, athelticism, heart. bring the last 2 and he'll be happy to teach you the first one.
Fight_Song said:
wrestling is won by 3 things. technique, athelticism, heart. bring the last 2 and he'll be happy to teach you the first one.

Don't forget cardio
for the help with the burpee just google it and youll find out what it is real quick.

And the cardio in the morning... Actualy having your body eat at it self is exactly what you want to burn fat. You put your body into a break down state and then flood it with growth nutrients like protein... With your post work out shake.