wrestling club


White Belt
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
UCSB, where i go to school, has a wrestling club. having never wrestled before, if i show up to one of these mat sessions, am i just gonna get stomped all over and not learn anything? or is there usually other beginners in such activities? also, if i am still newly in bjj with a few months under my belt, should i just focus on one or the other?
Depends on the club. I found that student-run clubs are usually "let's wrestle even though we aren't on the team." However, sometimes they would go over moves. I'm sure they would be happy to teach you wrestling. Sometimes they even want to learn new submission moves from BJJ, in my experience.

Coach-run clubs are usually better for newbies in my experience. In fact, some colleges even have amateur wrestling classes (mine does) for credit. It may not be run every semester though.
You're right next to Paragon Jiu-jitsu run by Franjinha. Why don't you spend your time rolling with one of the best BJJ teams in So. Cal?
They might not instruct the same way as BJJ. It might be as you say a stomping, but that doesn't mean you can't learn anything.

Sometimes just getting stomped is the best way to learn. The key is not to focus on yourself but focus on the other guy. What about his technique makes it so effective? What is he doing differently?

If the guy is just faster than you, than practice your stuff so you can do it quickly. If he can take you down easily, what is his main move? How does he off balance you to do it? Ask yourself these questions constantly.

Don't be afraid to outright steal techniques. If someone can take you down repeatedly with something, start doing the same thing back to them. They will probably counter you easily at first. Remember what you did wrong and try to correct it next time. Eventually you will learn the technique too just by feeling how he does it and trying to emulate it yourself.

Of course, don't be afraid to ask for tips either. Just don't expect a walkthrough of everything. Try to pick things up yourself. I think it's one of the best ways to learn because you can build your own game up piece by piece and really make the techniques your own.
Sherdog_Mutt said:
You're right next to Paragon Jiu-jitsu run by Franjinha. Why don't you spend your time rolling with one of the best BJJ teams in So. Cal?

i do.