Wow, video of Edgar destroying Weidman in wrestling


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Oct 3, 2015
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Is that Rob Zombie in the background? sure looks like him LMAO

Lol, they seem like two of the chillest dudes in the UFC tho for sure
Weidman got destroyed and it's not even close. That Rockhold beating really must have left permanent damage.
Many have said Frankie has the best MMA wrestling. War Edgar!
That double leg was nasty.

The reversal to pin in the end on that single attempt was crazy, complete domination by Edgar.

His technique was damn good, if he has the heart of his old man and his striking comes along, hes gonna be a real problem at UFC 500.
Oh, it's their kids, you tricked me, fuck you bud.
Lol, typical joizey idiot calling ppl they don't agree with a pussy.
i can just tell your a soft fuckboy. you probably get intimidated just by listening to "guidos" talking amongst themselves
OHHHHHH i get it.

The title made it seem like featherweight and former UFC LW champion Frankie Edgar outwrestled middleweight and former UFC MW champion Chris Weidman, but really it was a clip of theirs sons wrestling. Those two boys also have the last names of Edgar and Weidman. This makes your title/topic "correct" but still very misleading.

Hhahahahah. I c what u did there.