Would you guys allow your girlfriend/wife to have a fun with other girl?

Lets say your girl or wife approaches you with this weird admission.

I had this funny conversation with my workmates (one of many) and each of us got different views on that.

Some say they would allow, some would not because it undermine the relationship in the first place and should be treated as cheating.

First of all I would definitely clap my hands for honesty that she came to me and asked openly about it (better than having affair) But to me it depends. If it was long term wife where we got kids and stuff I would most likely allow because there would be very low chance that she would "convert" fully lesbian and out of comfort wouldn't bother with divorces and stuff like that.

But with girl you know like 6 month or even longer without shared commitments could be difficult actually. She might tell you fuck off.

But yeah, whats your views?
basically you're asking if you would stand by your woman cheating on you. Lol beta thread
yeah but id demand the chick shes with be tested.
If my girlfriend proposed that, then sure. I was in a similar situation many years ago as a 19 year old. Girlfriend wanted to sorta date chicks too and sometimes they wanted me involved. I knew without a doubt that me and this girl had zero future so I indulged but it got weird quick and we parted ways.

My wife and I though, no way. I'm real old school when it comes to our bond. I post some silly shit here sometimes but I'm very dedicated to the integrity of my marriage.
The inner hoe has to come out eventually and it might be as well be with her friends
Yeah, I kind of feel like if you don't give permission for her to play around, she'll just play around without permission. At least you got a heads up first.
Absolutely. Done it before. Would do it again.
I would never do this with my fiancée. Obviously, I see a long-term future there, and I wouldn't compromise something that's sacred between us for anything. When it comes to her, I'm not even open to a threesome with another girl.

When I was a kid, I would have jumped at this. The prospect of a threesome would have been incredible. In reality, it's good, but it's not the best sex that I have ever had. Definitely not worth compromising my relationship with my lady. As you get older, your priorities change.
No big deal, I'll start sucking dicks to even it out
I'm not a swinger so no
I would never do this with my fiancée. Obviously, I see a long-term future there, and I wouldn't compromise something that's sacred between us for anything. When it comes to her, I'm not even open to a threesome with another girl.
Good point, if it wasn't serious and you were just there to bang.. then sure, why not.
Cheating is cheating. Viewing another woman as not cheating is 2014 as fuck. If you are cool with your girl getting it from someone else that's totally your thing, but the gender doesnt change anything.

Been with girls where monogamy wasn't expected, would welcome the 3some with open dick. Been with others where it wasn't.
Fair enough. I only asked, wont be judging you anyway.

That's fine, I'm not judging anybody else either. Like they say, whatever floats your boat. I'm just saying, I'm no more likely to let some dyke stick her fingers in my wife than with some dude doing it.

i ain't no cuck, nawmsayin?
As long as they both suck my dick, yes.
Has happened to me and my response was that I wasn't going anywhere if she wasn't. I am no longer with this woman but it was a seperate issue. The one where I was the one who couldn't stop munching other rugs.

Jesus, what a hypocritical bitch.
You're a fucking fool if you think that. Buddy of mine that I grew up with, his wife who he'd been with 14 years and had two kids left him for another woman.

A friend of mine from law school divorced her husband who she'd been with about 6 years and started playing for the other team.

As a divorce lawyer irl take my word for it, the divorce rate is really fucking igh. Like 52%. If you think marriage and kids will be an impediment to your girl leaving you to go lesbian you're dreaming. This way she can get the best of both worlds: the pussy she desires, and then she can take half of your property and sue you for child support and alimony.
You hit it right on the head, if my wife ever admitted to something like that i would start thinking about a potential divorce on the horizon. As a man with assets you have to be aware of what state your relationship is as its way too easy for women to take more than their share in divorce laws.
girlfriend - yeah, no problem.

wife - probably not. Not having another wife anyway but let's just say for the sake of the thread that I marry again, which isn't happening, then no.

So when are you getting married

No. If you are with someone that can't only be with you, you shouldn't be in a relationship with that person and vice versa. If you want to bang around, that's fine, just don't get married.