Would YOU eat this omelette?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
Reaction score
I'm trying my hand at making omelettes. This one has Mexican cheese blend, portabella mushrooms, cilantro and Jalapeno.

Presentation needs work, but the omelette looks good. Scratch that. Looks great despite the shit tier plate and cutlery. Lol
trying hard to cook an omelet?

Somewhere else someone said they are struggling to make scrambled eggs. It's literally what you get when you suck at making omelets. An omelet is what you get when you screw up making scrambled eggs
I eat anything people make me, to be polite.

I'd probably eat play-doh spaghetti, if TS gave it to me.

I'd eat it, but presentation wise, it could use some work.

The key is to cook the omelette ingredients separate and once you're at the folding stage, to add said ingredients on top, then fold.

Sounds simple but you eat with the eyes first.
I'm trying my hand at making omelettes. This one has Mexican cheese blend, portabella mushrooms, cilantro and Jalapeno.


Looks good to me bro, I really struggle folding these bastards, mine never look as good as this.
I'm trying my hand at making omelettes. This one has Mexican cheese blend, portabella mushrooms, cilantro and Jalapeno.


Yeah I would bro looks great. Only thing is I'd ask for no mushrooms.