Would you defend your date's honor?

Bay Area

Silver Belt
Aug 27, 2011
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OK so let's say you just met this girl last week, and currently you are standing in line to buy a ticket to watch a movie. Its your first date. Suddenly 2 guys of average build walk up to her and make all kind of disparaging insulting sexual remarks toward her.

These guys are acting aggressive and confrontational towards your date. Would you stand up for your date.... keeping in mind you just got her number last week at a bar, and this is your first time actually spending time together?

These two guys are seem highly unstable and wrong tone of voice or remark could turn things physical.


Of course

Besides the fact you'd look like a complete pussy for not saying anything, even if you get your butt kicked, a kick ass blow job is guaranteed.
Say something but don't fight. This is a life skill that you should have.
does this kind of thing ever actually happen outside of one of you loser's post-masturbatory narcissistic fantasy street fight prelude?
If you don't, theres no way you're getting any that night or any other. May as well tuck tail and go the fuck home alone.
I'd give them the cold dead stare and start filling the room with uppercuts

(I'm assuming this is still the appropriate Sherdog response)
OK so let's say you just met this girl last week, and currently you are standing in line to buy a ticket to watch a movie. Its your first date. Suddenly 2 guys of average build walk up to her and make all kind of disparaging insulting sexual remarks toward her.

These guys are acting aggressive and confrontational towards your date. Would you stand up for your date.... keeping in mind you just got her number last week at a bar, and this is your first time actually spending time together?

These two guys are seem highly unstable and wrong tone of voice or remark could turn things physical.

I'd talk them into hitting me first though. Don't wanna get in trouble with the law.
I train UFC bro, so yeah. I'd bang bro.
Id tell them to show some respect. If they dont like it then we can fight. Its a petty situation though. You kind of lose no matter what you do
I'd call them limp dicked pussies, and if they stepped up to fight I'd ask them if their desire to get fucked in the ass with a Glock right now makes them also gay as fuck or just stupid as fuck.
I'd do my best to diffuse the situation and take their attention away from my date without resorting to physical violence. I'd consider it a failure as a man if you have to fight your way out of situation like this and potentially endanger people that are with you. If all else fail, just take the date away from the line and go to a different cinema, do so in a way that make it harder for the harassers to follow.

:::Slaps yo girl on her ass::: :::you attempt to be upset:::
Him: "What wh*te boy, what!?"
You: "Nuu, nothing. It's cool bro"
Him: "das, rite."
::Superior being throws your date over his shoulder and walks way:: ::she doesn't resist::
I'd call them limp dicked pussies, and if they stepped up to fight I'd ask them if their desire to get fucked in the ass with a Glock right now makes them also gay as fuck or just stupid as fuck.
sorry but I expected something stronger from an AV Chuck Norris punching me in the kisser

Of course

Besides the fact you'd look like a complete pussy for not saying anything, even if you get your butt kicked, a kick ass blow job is guaranteed.

You'd defend the honor of a chick you spent all of 10 minutes with? And a blow job is not guaranteed lol. You could get your ass kicked, severel injured, and she could not return your phone calls the next day.
Uppercuts, room filled if they were strangers. If they knew her and the comments were specific to her, I'd probably take their word for it and end the date.
It's a trap.

She asked her brothers to do this to see her date's reaction.
does this kind of thing ever actually happen outside of one of you loser's post-masturbatory narcissistic fantasy street fight prelude?

Almost happened to me... A drunk asshole was messing with a girl I was with at a dance club. It was awkward and I asked him several times to cut it out and was starting to lose my temper.

Fortunately, one of his friends realized what was happening and pulled him away before things escalated. The friend apologized afterwards too.

So, yes, it can happen and alcohol is usually involved.

In normal, everyday life? No, probably almost never.
If you're any kind of man you would never just let some assholes piss on your turf. Although there's always a risk of getting shot or something but that's life I suppose