I'm frustrated with the holdup, 145-185 are EXPLODING right now, and we've got talk of non WWs fighting Lawler, while GSP, Tyron, Condit, and Rory- Wonderboy winner loom.
This is a clear fuck you to Aldo and Edgar, the interim belt when unified the next fight is nothing more than a glorified contenders match. Both Aldo and Edgar wanted a crack at being 145 lb champion, and neither will get that in this fight.
RDA has Alvarez and Khabib-Ferguson winner with which to contend (what a fight btw). I wouldn't mind Diaz vs Alvarez, that as a main event is the best shot for Diaz, he could get it done. I'm sure of the other 3 Ferguson is the best match up for Nate.
Middleweight is strange, a rematch is somewhat understandable with the dream #1 contenders fight ending up being naught but a stalemate with the nature of the fight and Yoel popping. Silva and Vitor both have had their name devalued in the title talks, yet still have the skills to wipe out anyone in the division. I guess Jacare-Vitor winner then? Jacare definitely with a victory, and I suppose Vitor would have the highest ranked win..... WHY is Whittaker fighting Natal? What the.......
Anyways, I don't want to see any of these divisions bottlenecked by rematches and wreckless matchmaking just as they are filling with talent and are ready to thrive.