yes, because he has the potential to come into range area to catch whittaker.
gastelum is a good boxer for a mma fighter wich can fight and pressure in the mid range very well.
when u know boxing u would know that many good boxers can fight well in this area, very rare mma fighters can box good in this area. it is very hard to master to fight in this area, even mcgregor doesnt fight in this area, mcgregor needs more space. the midrange doesnt give many space. mexican boxers likes to fight in this mid range area while pressureing there. gastelum learned this style of fighting from mexican boxing school. a boxer who is well known for this type of pressure in the mid range is ggg.
whittaker likes to make a explosive transition from long range into his attacks, while gastelum can pressure and control the mid range very good. so whittaker wouldnt be able to get his room. in the transisions gastelum can give him a counter as well, because he can control and pressure in the mid range. whittaker will not like to last long in this range area while gasteum pressures there. i think gastelum could be probably the only one who gives whittaker a bad matchup but gastelum wouldnt peform like whittaker in this division. whittaker is the grapplers nightmare.
whittaker would need another game plan, like more kicks or grappling. gastelums kicks arent good, his legs are little sloppy but his boxing alone with his power in the hands is very decent for a mma fighter.