Would a scene like this be acceptable in a movie today?

HBO doesn't really give a fuck, imo.

Maybe not, but they're original programming has migrated left since the 90's. In the 90's there was the Dennis Miller Show and by the mid 2000's they started airing Real Time with Bill Mahar. (Both of whom I don't necessarily care for) Their Documentaries seem to have a Liberal bias these days too.

And while Vice news leans to the left I think they do an overall good job, It's definitely better than the shit that comes out of CNN and Fox News.
Not many, actually.

There was really only that one scene with Sansa, and it did cause a bit of an uproar.

I'm not a fan of the show, but there were more than that. Off the top of my head, I remember one in the very first few episodes with that blonde dragon girl and her new husband. Not to mention the incest.

What about Bad Santa? That was pretty much entirely based on being offensive.

I think the "PC culture prevents offensive movies and shows" line is completely made up actually. I have not seen a shred of evidence to suggest that at all.
Trading Places and Animal House are in my top 5 comedies. It's a bygone era.

Lol, no it's not. I feel like you guys don't watch movies or something?

What part of animal house is so much more outrageous than any hard R comedy nowadays? It is actually pretty silly and juvenile.
I really do not think that is true at all.

Game of Thrones is the most popular HBO show right? How many brutal rapes does it depict?

If that show was filmed 10 years ago, people would probably say, "Man, GOT would never get made nowadays because the feminists would not allow it."

Or how about Django? A dark comedy with that level of racism and brutality? If that came out in the 1980s, people would say, "Man, BLM would never let that happen, and Hollywood is too PC for that now."

Seriously, I think there is a bit of a misconception about PC culture. It is not controlling movies at all. Movies are more offensive now than ever, I'd say. Mainstream TV shows are WAY worse now than they ever have been.

I'm not saying that PC culture out right controls everything, but I've definitely noticed a PC undertone during the last several years.

Django imo is a bad example, because the lead character (A strong black man) is the Hero of the movie.

GOT is a fantasy unlike a real life scenario like the movie in the OP. I also don't recall GOT being all that rapey.

IMO TV shows are not way worse. Haven't you noticed the trend that white people are either painted as being weak or are a villainous character; and the Heroes are portrayed by a woman or a minority? Westworld (which is still a bad ass show) does this.
I'm not a fan of the show, but there were more than that. Off the top of my head, I remember one in the very first few episodes with that blonde dragon girl and her new husband. Not to mention the incest.

Well, that's a fine line with the show. That was an arranged marriage, and Drogo was just claiming his right to consummate the marriage. She did grow to love him as well. It was the same thing with Sansa too, only her husband was the main villain of the show, and people had been watching the actress since she was a child, so people got a bit touchy over it.

But no, it's not rape city on GOT. Lots of violence towards women, but not a whole lot of rape.

As far as the incest goes, nobody really cares about that. It's consensual on the show, and it's not exactly a touchy subject for the SJW brigade.

What about Bad Santa? That was pretty much entirely based on being offensive.

Offensive, sure, but not in any real controversial area.

Not that I am arguing that shows are getting toned down, or have more boundaries. I just don't think your examples prove much. If anything, I think movies and TV shows have pushed the envelope further than they've ever been pushed. I mean shit, South Park is still going strong, and they cross every line there is.
I think the, "That would never be allowed in today's PC culture" line is overused and mostly untrue.

Movies and TV shows are probably more "offensive" now than they have ever been. Game of Thrones is crossing boundaries constantly that have never been crossed, so did West World in a lot of ways. That is just HBO. Movies are even more extreme.

Robert Downey Jr. did an entire movie in black face and there was almost no backlash, it was actually applauded as a great performance (which is was). But in the 1980s, a similar role in a movie called "Soul Man" was deemed racist and pretty much ended a young actor's career. If you watch the movie it was not all that offensive, just silly and harmless for the most part.
People think that whining feminists on Twitter = Censorship

Django Unchained was controversial when it came out and that was only 5 years ago but it's not like a bunch of whining libcucks could stop it from coming out. Just because people bitch doesn't mean they're stopping anything.

The thing is, I do believe that people are more sensitive than ever, but more importantly, we can hear all sorts of dumb viewpoints that are in the minority because of the internet, and because of the sheer amount of people on the internet, it seems like they are a significant percentage.

You can find a thriving community of anything on the internet, but in reality they aren't a significant percentage of representative of the average person, it just so happens that when you have 7 billion people in the world and give them an outlet, you can gets lots of anything. We can find huge communities of people who like to dress up as animals and fuck each other, but they aren't very relevant IRL.
I'm not saying that PC culture out right controls everything, but I've definitely noticed a PC undertone during the last several years.

Django imo is a bad example, because the lead character (A strong black man) is the Hero of the movie.

GOT is a fantasy unlike a real life scenario like the movie in the OP. I also don't recall GOT being all that rapey.

IMO TV shows are not way worse. Haven't you noticed the trend that white people are either painted as being weak or are a villainous character; and the Heroes are portrayed by a woman or a minority? Westworld (which is still a bad ass show) does this.

I think people turn things into a "PC culture" situation pretty often when it's unwarranted. Sometimes it seems like the anti-PC people are as bad as the super PC people.

For example, if there is a female hero, people call it PC. They say this as if it's somehow not okay to simply have a female hero in a show or movie. Why does it have to be an issue at all? Like with West World. I never had the thoughts you just expressed when I watched it. I did not find myself thinking, "Man, they are trying to be PC!" Just enjoy the show man.

Well, that's a fine line with the show. That was an arranged marriage, and Drogo was just claiming his right to consummate the marriage. She did grow to love him as well. It was the same thing with Sansa too, only her husband was the main villain of the show, and people had been watching the actress since she was a child, so people got a bit touchy over it.

But no, it's not rape city on GOT. Lots of violence towards women, but not a whole lot of rape.

As far as the incest goes, nobody really cares about that. It's consensual on the show, and it's not exactly a touchy subject for the SJW brigade.

Offensive, sure, but not in any real controversial area.

Not that I am arguing that shows are getting toned down, or have more boundaries. I just don't think your examples prove much. If anything, I think movies and TV shows have pushed the envelope further than they've ever been pushed. I mean shit, South Park is still going strong, and they cross every line there is.

Honestly, having a woman get forced into a marriage and then raped on screen, but then fall in love with her rapist is even more offensive than just depicting the rape. That plays directly into old school sexism to have the raped woman fall in love with the rapist, and is the exact type of thing you would think "PC culture" would reject. But they don't reject it, that show is the most popular show on HBO.

But anyways, I agree about South Park, it is widely celebrated for satirizing racism, sexism, Muslims, Christians, and everything else. People are not offended, it's hugely popular and even a staple of our culture now.

I guess I just don't see the PC-intrusion in movies and TV the way other people claim to. I'm a movie watcher, I've seen hundreds of movies from all decades. I think movies are crazier now than they have ever been by quite a lot.

I do think that people look for Twitter posts from Liberals, then try to act like the nation is being overtaken by them or something. It's weird to me. Could you imagine the threads we could start if we just trolled Twitter for super conservative people saying insane things?

Hell, our own conservative posters here say insane things. It is actually so normalized for conservative posters to be crazy that people don't even notice it anymore. They are held to a different standard of crazy.

I think everyone needs to just relax, get off Twitter, and live in the real world. The real world is not as crazy as Twitter makes it seem. I live in Maryland, very liberal state, and EVERYBODY on my street puts up Christmas lights and yard decorations and says Merry Christmas and all my friends watch offensive shows and movies, etc.

A lot of the "OMG PC LIBERALS!" outrage is based on massive exaggerations.
Of course it would. The PC-ness of movies hasn't changed.

What's changed is that the breadth of content has changed and some people get offended whenever that context expands past their limited perspectives.

You won't see that scene again because the portrayal of young black men has become broader and more nuanced. You can deliver the same message without the "prison" backdrop. THe theme itself has shown up over and over again. The theme of normal black Americans being forced to deal with the perceptions created by the criminal element. Now that same theme gets explored with college kids, workers at a regular job, etc.

Which of course makes sense - if black people aren't just criminals then there's no need to use prison as the backdrop for these scenes. Put the scenes in all of the areas that black people live normally anyway.

But some people will see the switch from the stereotypical prison, angry black person scene to the more nuanced versions as a form of PC culture. In reality, it's merely that they haven't expanded their worldview to embrace alternative presentations of the same theme.

The Ghostbusters remake is a decent example of the same thing. There's nothing PC about casting all female leads. In a world where women are astronauts, CEO's etc. there's no reason they couldn't also be Ghostbusters. And so telling women stories using a ghostbusting backdrop (As opposed to secretaries or nurses) is just a reflection of workplace expansion. Now, it can still be a bad movie. Adding women doesn't make it a better film. But casting women isn't "PC".

Some people just seem to struggle with new presentations of old themes.
This race sensitivity shit is for the fucking birds.
^ They did not cast all women in the new Ghostbusters to be PC. They casted it with all women to avoid the direct comparison to the original cast. I did not see the movie, but the idea of it made sense. You can't really replace Bill Murray and Dan Ackroid with some other guys.

Nirvana did that too at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Since Cobain is dead, they had girls sing their songs for the live performances. That is not being PC. That is just a cool idea to mix it up, and avoid the inevitable direct comparisons and disgust that fans would show seeing some other guy step into Cobain's shoes.

But whenever a decision is made to do something like that, all these "OMG they are being PC!" perpetually offended people show up. Relax. Not everything is done with "PC" in mind, sometimes it is just an interesting idea.

I find that the people who freak out over PC culture and the actual PC culture are the same people, basically. Just like the extreme conservatives and the extreme liberals are pretty much the same people to me.

It's amazing how similar our country's extremes really are.
^ They did not cast all women in the new Ghostbusters to be PC. They casted it with all women to avoid the direct comparison to the original cast. I did not see the movie, but the idea of it made sense. You can't really replace Bill Murray and Dan Ackroid with some other guys.

Nirvana did that too at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Since Cobain is dead, they had girls sing their songs for the live performances. That is not being PC. That is just a cool idea to mix it up, and avoid the inevitable direct comparisons and disgust that fans would show seeing some other guy step into Cobain's shoes.

But whenever a decision is made to do something like that, all these "OMG they are being PC!" perpetually offended people show up. Relax. Not everything is done with "PC" in mind, sometimes it is just an interesting idea.

I find that the people who freak out over PC culture and the actual PC culture are the same people, basically. Just like the extreme conservatives and the extreme liberals are pretty much the same people to me.

It's amazing how similar our country's extremes really are.

It's insane. They cast a black guy? PC culture. They didn't cast a black guy? Under representation.

They cast a woman? Feminism is out of control. They didn't cast a woman? Gender bias.

They changed the character from a white guy? PC culture and the removal of white people from society. They change the character to a white guy? Whitewashing.

There are bigger fish to fry but there are people who just need something to complain about.
I mean, just in this thread there is a guy with an avatar of a little boy and a guy with an avatar from Double Dragon of a thug punching a woman in the stomach and throwing her over his shoulder (which is a hilarious reference). I don't see how Robert Downey Jr from Tropic Thunder is more unacceptable than either of those, but I don't really know what the rules are.

I know. It blows my mind. Some of the really offensive shit that makes it onto avatars - my avatars included - that just flies... But blackface? That's a no-no. I had a blackface avatar for a few days but a mod noticed it. Got a private conversation entitled:

"No blackface avatars..."

Message body was:


Of course, I immediately put up the most offensive non-blackface avatar I could find. Next message:

"You should also avoid cartoon pornography and racial superiority... just in general."

So now, here I am with a cat about to blow his own brains out. Then you get things like KPT having Trump with a gun to his head, Lional Mandrake with a guy gut-punching some chick and putting her over his shoulder... Yeah, the Sherdog policy concerning avatars seems to be totally indifferent to peoples' feelings in one breath, but then very strict in others.
I know. It blows my mind. Some of the really offensive shit that makes it onto avatars - my avatars included - that just flies... But blackface? That's a no-no. I had a blackface avatar for a few days but a mod noticed it. Got a private conversation entitled:

"No blackface avatars..."

Message body was:


Of course, I immediately put up the most offensive non-blackface avatar I could find. Next message:

"You should also avoid cartoon pornography and racial superiority... just in general."

So now, here I am with a cat about to blow his own brains out. Then you get things like KPT having Trump with a gun to his head, Lional Mandrake with a guy gut-punching some chick and putting her over his shoulder... Yeah, the Sherdog policy concerning avatars seems to be totally indifferent to peoples' feelings in one breath, but then very strict in others.

So your constant use of racially provocative avatars is just to try to figure out the line on what is and isnt offensive ?

I recall I asked you about it once and you flat out refused to answer me

I find it strange that you would troll for attention in this way and than cry about the result you new you were going to get
So your constant use of racially provocative avatars is just to try to figure out the line on what is and isnt offensive ?

I recall I asked you about it once and you flat out refused to answer me

I find it strange that you would troll for attention in this way and than cry about the result you new you were going to get

Well, if I'm that insecure, I guess my shameless bid for attention is working... :D

Edit: Changed it just for you.
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I just watched this movie last night called First Time Fellon. It's an HBO original film from 1997 about a prison boot camp. While what the drill instructor is being harsh what he says makes sense. Due to the influx of PC culture I don't see HBO (let alone Hollywood) letting something like this fly these days.

I time stamped the scene that I am referring to in the video below. It's only about 2 minutes long.

I want to see this movie now. That was a intense scene with a lot of interesting truth in there.
Yeah, no way they'd do stereotypes!

I mean, unless you're wearing blackface while talking about retards. Then I guess "PC Hollywood" will allow it.

This movie got a lot of flack for the content in it actually.

With that said, it's probably my favorite comedy of all time right up there with Caddyshack so I guess that says a lot about me.

@Banchan @Palis
This movie got a lot of flack for the content in it actually.

With that said, it's probably my favorite comedy of all time right up there with Caddyshack so I guess that says a lot about me.

@Banchan @Palis