LHW and HW have always been the weakest, shallowest, of all divisions through out MMA.
The fact is, there aren't that many men that big, so the talent pool for LHW is always going to be extremely shallow to draw from
And of that tiny percentage of men who average LHW size, an even tinier percentage of that group will even be coordinated/talented.
LHW has always been thrash.
For perspective, a barely ranked Jones got a title shot, because of the lack of depth at LHW. There was simply no one else but Jones to fight, when Rashad got injuried.
Jones consistently "defended" against "contenders" who had no more then winning streaks of 2. Some even had losing records yet got title shots at Jones due to lack of depth at LHW.
You will never see that in any other divisions. LHW is the only division where 1 or 2 wins can you get a title shot due to the lack of depth and talent at LHW.
Where as Conor is the champion of THE 2 MOST STACKED DIVISIONS IN MMA (FW and LW).
FW and LW are average sized men, so you are going to get MILLIONS more to draw from among the talent pools at 145/155 (even 135 now too)
And with talent pools that large at FW and LW, you are going to get far more of those elite talents competing in MMA at 145 and 155
Conor is actually dominating OTHER LEGIT ELITE level talents in actual legit stacked talent pools
Anything Conor accomplishes at 145 and 155 automatically holds far more significance - and is far superior to anything DC and Jones (or any one else at LHW) accomplish at LHW.
Conor is far superior.
For more perspective, when Conor out classed Alvarez, Alvarez was 28-4.
You will never see a Jones opponent that had 28 wins with less losses.
LHW is just so shallow and can't compare to the actual real stacked talent pool of LW.
Take Conor with his skill set and put him at 205, and he WIPES EVERYONE OUT with complete ease
Conor would especially MURDER Jon Jones
Jones has shit Ronda level boxing
Jones is lucky that LHW is full of low IQ brawlers and BJJ/Muay Thai guys
Look at what Gus the boxer did to Jones
Now imagine a 205 Conor against Jones
Jones doesn't even know how to defend the jab
Meanwhile Conor was destroying Nate with the jab (while varrying up his jab speeds and types of jabs - from uprising jabs to straight piston jabs etc, while mixing up with feints to consistently keep off balance and keep second guessing - Conor showing off his superb fight IQ and jab IQ). Conor is just on another level. Conor out jab'd a freaking Diaz brother
Look below for examples of Jones's absolutely dog shit amature level defense. Literally turning his head away from strikes like a rookie amature off the street in a boxing ring does.
Meanwhile compare that to Conor's elite level defense (by actual legit elite boxing standards)
Jones doesnt even have good defense by MMA standards. Conor was matrix dodging Floyd in a boxing match.
More examples of Conor's amazimg defense, skill, countering, IQ - and in general, of just how superior Conor is to Jones on every single possible level.
The footage never lies, just compare and it's night and day.
Conor is vastly superior to Jones and DC in every single facet of boxing skill and MMA striking.
A 205 Conor would wipe out LHW 1000000000x worse then Jones ever did
Conor is actually dominating SUPERIOR TALENTS in far more stacked talent rich divisions
So THE would be a kiddie pool by comparison, compared to the shark tanks of FW and LHW.
Again, Jones is lucky that LHW has no boxers with footwork or any kind of talent pool to speak of. Jones's weakness is a boxer. Conor is tailor made to treat Jones like a punching bag. Conor would wreck DC.