Worst time of your life where you you felt hopeless but recovered stories


Ominous Flesh Discipline
Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2012
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I feel pretty hopeless at the moment and don't know how to get out of my situation right now. All I can do is work on what I'm working on and let the so called chips fall where they may...Have no fucking choice. I know it will get better but at the moment it fucking sucks, need stories to cheer me up.

Anyone have stories where they where in a shitty situation where it looked pretty bad and climbed out of the hole?
Yes, then my wife left me and things got better.
Both of my parents died when I was 18 and 20 respectively. In the subsequent next 2 years both of my grandparents also passed away. I was left with a sister who just had a son(born on the day my grandfather died).

She ended up having a nervous breakdown which led me to have to leave the house I grew up in after selling her my stake in the house.

So I was 20, no family and minimal job prospects. Long story short, things eventually worked out, I have a great wife and a very well paying job. keep your shit, work hard and it will all work out.
I became suicidal back in the Navy. Locked in a psyc ward for 2 weeks. I wont get into details but it does get better. And always keep working on yourself.
From 2007 to 2009: Cut ties with my family after a huge falling out. Had another one with my roommates who were also the only friends I had at the time. Got thrown out of the house we were renting.

Was renting a room I found on craigslist, working a shit part time job. Very depressed and lonely. Started having my first serious health problems. Losty temper at my job and got fired. Started dating my ex wife around this time, which was the only good thing I had going on.

Spent through my savings while looking for a job with no success. Had spent all my money and was behind on my rent, started trying to mentally prepare for homelessness.

Made some new friends during this time. One of them got me a little under the table side work doing work on his uncles property. My girlfriend, to my great surprise, paid my rent for a month so I didn't end up homeless

I found a new job, got caught up on my bills, got out of my craigslist room and got a place with my girl. Very meaningful period of time to me, I'd become a loner not by choice, but because I just couldn't cope with my depression and eventually drove everyone away.

By the time this stuff happened I'd given up on people, on dating or having friends or ever being happy again really. Having my girlfriend and friends help me out when I was at my lowest really changed my perspective on life and people and myself.
High school was tough for me. I was probably at the worst point of my life then. I easily could’ve been the kid who snapped and shot up his school.

My first heartbreak right after high school drove me down in a spiral of misery.

My second girlfriend thought I was crazy and called the cops on me and slept at her ex-boyfriend’s house for a sense of safety. That was a new level of betrayal for me. I would have preferred to have her just cheat on me and not have a cop banging at my door.

Being conscripted into the military against my will was pretty shitty too.

Later I realized I actually had control over how I perceive things and feel about them.
On the week of my birthday in 08', my then wife told me she wanted a divorce, kicked me out of the house we bought, and if that wasnt enough of a kick in the balls, she told me she never really loved me and only married me to make me happy. I gave up everything for her and was stupid enough to forgive her and stay with a cheater for a few more years, as well as buy a house together... in a relationship and marriage built on lies and emotional manipulation.

Within a week of divorcing me, I stopped by the house to get my stuff. She had already changed the locks, (I had a garage door opener) and not only did she have some f*cking new guys stuff already moved in, and there were condoms and lube on the nightstand.

It took everything I had to not destroy the place, stick around and kill them or to just kill myself... even now almost 10 years later Im still raw about that shit, despite having a better house, and a better wife.
The past few years have been rough for me. Made a lot of mistakes during this time and dug myself into a hole. I've also dealt with really bad depression and anxiety all my life. Last year I was very close to killing myself. To be honest had I had access to a gun or painkillers I probably wouldn't be here now. Brother and best friend had to convince me not to do it. But I sought out therapy. Took a while to find a good therapist but now that I have it's made a huge difference. I still have bad days where I ask myself "what's the point of going on?" But now Ive the tools to work through those bad days. I try my best to eat healthy and exercise now. Lost about 20 lbs since April. While I still feel like I'm pretty deep in this hole that I've put myself in I finally see that there is a way out
I can only give you one piece of advice that worked for me. Go to the gym everyday.
you need to lift weights ,go for a run, smoke weed, listen to music, take xanax,Drive fast cars, get some prime pussy. Keeps me going.
Graduated from the best art program in Canada (Sheridan College classical animation) back in '01. Went into the program expecting to graduate and land a job at Disney...that didn't happen. Instead took the only offer I got which was to work at a Saturday morning cartoon company in Halifax making kids cartoons.

The pay was absolutely terrible. Like just scraping by, terrible. not what I was expecting at all. I hated how the artists were treated, told my boss off and got fired.

Moved back into mom's basement at the ripe age of 28, unemployed and disenchanted, depressed over my situation and in debt from college and wondering what to do with myself. No job, no money...didn't want nothing to do with my friends...the worst hole I had ever found myself in.

Decided to teach myself 3d animation using the same principles I learned in college. 8 months of working on my demo reel, learning 3d and improving...handing out resumes and absolutely failing at landing a job in the video game industry...was about to give up when finally I got a call from a company in California looking for junior animators. The pay was decent, much better than what I made in Halifax and the work was so exciting!

Nevermind I got to live in California as well! Had a blast, stayed out there for a year and a half...busting my ass, learning, making friends...found out that old company I used to work at in Halfiax closed shop. I smiled and kept on. That was in 2003...been in the video game industry ever since.
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You see I can't relate to any of this because I been having a pretty good life so far knock on wood. Good luck though.
this morning i woek up around the crack of noon, went downstairs and smoked a bowl. went back to bed for another 3 hours or so, and woke up again because i had to poop. I would have liked to have been able to sleep for another few hours, it was pretty rough. I made it through it by sitting on the couch and playing video games.
You'll turn it around dude. Had several rough patches myself.

@20....just got released from police station, walked home ro my apartment they just raided which was turned upside down and destroyed. Evicted, moved home, got job doing hard labor to pay back legal bills.

@28...stuck living with my ex a week after we broke up and found out she was already seeing another dude. Needed out asap, moved in with my brother, my business was doing shitty so once again back to hard labor with few prospects.

Fast forward 6 years....great job, amazing fiance, beautiful house, getting married in 2 months, make over 200 combined, and 10 days in maui coming up.

Don't worry about next week. Decide where u want to be in 5 years and take steps towards that. You need a 5, 10, 20 year plan.
Had severe reflux which manifested in chest pains. For a month I couldn't eat was in constant pain and developed anxiety that I was gonna die and leave my family. Went through all these heart tests before an internist figured it out. But the anxiety didn't go away and was 24hours of misery. Wasn't me, couldn't function... Doc said my fight or flight stayed on flight. Pure adrenaline. Doc gave me some drugs that kicked in after a few weeks until I was normal. Xanax helped until they did. Now I'm on nothing, healthy and happy. My doc says everyone needs a release valve. Mine is drinking and the gym.
I can only give you one piece of advice that worked for me. Go to the gym everyday.

This, 100%. Personally, I don't like going to the gym but 45 minutes of discomfort is worth the benefits. Mentally I feel like it helps me clear my head. Allows more room for positive thoughts. Physically I just...feel better too. No stiff joints in the morning, more energy throughout the day. It's like a tune up for your body. Just try it for 30 minutes a day 3x a week in the beginning. You will feel a positive difference within the first couple of weeks
My life has faceplanted in spectacular fashion on several occasions. I was committed for over 100 days. It was pretty fucked up at times, complete with being tied down, and injected with unknown tranquilizers. Everyone including me screaming at random through the day and night. I was not feeling well.

Fast forward 15 years, and I'm alright. I finished my math degree, and have enough money to get by without working. I've had family die, but I have plenty left. Unfortunately I lost my favorites though.

I focus on art a lot, and keeping my healthy relationships active, and my unhealthy relationships to a minimum.

And the gym goes without saying. I think of it as my lazarus chamber.
In my mid 20s , while in the army, i opted to go to special forces and after being in comandos i also went to do a special ops course ... roughly 4 weeks into my 3 months course one of the instructors called me to go see the Captain and he told me my father had had a CVA ... as you can imagine, together with the hardness of the course and that fuked up news i was completly torned apart physically and mentally ... i was given the option to drop out but i still chose to continue ... 3 weeks after that , while still on the course , my mother had a heart attack and almost died ... so i decided enough was enough and had to quit my military career that i loved so much , to come back to civil and deal with my parents health problems and my fathers business that had went to shit.
Fortunaly my mother recovered , thank god , but my father was never the same ... he died in march of this year after years of suffering ... because his business went to shit and was full of debts we lost our house, our cars and we still have a considerable debt to pay to the cocksukin bankers...
Ive had several jobs after leaving the army but wherever i go i allways miss my that was a dream career everyday ... i miss the spirit , the sense of family , the comradery and most of all i miss my father... so i have never been the same after that...
Life is a coksukin bitch ... but quitting is never a fkin option.
I think the cons outweigh the pros of being alive. That's why I don't want to have kids. I'd never want to create another being who has to go thru this bullshit that they didn't sign up for. That said, I guess keepin on grinding and chasing whatever arbitrary goals you come up with will give you some sense of meaning and/or pleasure. I say the cons outweigh the pros because no matter what "good" thing you get it will hurt even more when you lose it