you forgot he out ran a missile and everyone used there cars to shield Dom from the explosion. FYI I'm watching Baby driver now had to shut it off felt so corny.Vin Diesel jumped his car over a nuclear submarine in that movie....
Hard to believe there was a time when that franchise was actually about street racing.
50 Shades Darker
you forgot he out ran a missile and everyone used there cars to shield Dom from the explosion. FYI I'm watching Baby driver now had to shut it off felt so corny.
Why did you watch this movie?
Because there were strong female characters?
My god was that shit awful or whatThe new Alien was terrible.
Space horror movies/games are my favorite genre, but that shit was rubbish.My god was that shit awful or what
If someone hasn't mentioned King Arthur yet, then they should.
Space horror movies/games are my favorite genre, but that shit was rubbish.
I think baby driver started great then ended lame.Baby Driver was corny as fuck. I expected it to be great after Sherbros praised it.
I have to go with Transformers: Last Knight. Loved the first one, so I thought this movie can't be that bad.
Bought it on blu ray for $7 and I still feel like I got ripped off. The action sucks - there's no consistency and I can't tell what's going on. Megatron is still in it even though he'd dieded 10 million times before. Marky Mark looks like he's in a parody movie as an Inventor with a mullet.
I deserved the torture for overestimating Michael Bayhem.
What about you Sherbros, what's your worst movie of 2017?
Over 90% of new releases are trash.
This superhero garbage is also out of control ...