Worst injury you've ever had ?

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Nov 14, 2009
Reaction score
I've been pretty fortunate I guess no broken bones just a few cuts, scrapes, stabs that's about it haven torn or broken anything
Had my orbital smashed catching a line drive with my face from the pitcher's mound. The images on a Google search don't even do what it looked like justice.
I lost my hearing once after listening to black metal.
Broken both my hands, very small fractures thank god, and broke my nose in a fight. The nose sucked.
Concussion once (dirtbike crash) and dislocated my knee twice (football both times.)
I'm 29 and have never broken a bone which is pretty sweet.

I once fell out of a tree when I was a kid and landed on my head. I had a gnarly concussion and was unconscious for 4 hours. I've also sawed open my thigh with a skill saw and shot a nail through my thumb. Those are my worst.
I have a couple fucked up discs in my lower back that act up from time to time. Sprained thumbs, busted ear drum, bruised ribs.. all shit from boxing.

Fortunately nothing broken or torn.
Discs problems in my lower back when I was in High school.

The most annoying was when I fractured my wrist though.
Collapsed lung
Spent 11 days in the hospital
Never knew anything could be so painful
Broke my wrist in a car accident. Hit a tree going 100km/h-ish.
not sure if gout counts as an "injury," but its that and it is not even close. unless you count an abscessed tooth
I broke my left heel in half and broke my right ankle on the other foot, and my wrist all at the same time in a car accident. I couldn't even use a wheelchair, all I could do was spin in circles with my good hand, lol. The heel was torture, every time you moved it was intense pain.

A few years before that I broke my hand in 5 places. Shattered two of the metacarpal bones, and broke two knuckles and a bone in my wrist. They had to cut through all the muscles and tendons to get to the metacarpal bones, then they used wire mesh to hold the bones together and three huge pins to hold the bones in place. I went back a week after the surgery to get a cast, my hand was black and it was the size of a softball. Had a cast for 3 months, couldn't even move my fingers when I got the cast off. Good times, that was also in a car crash
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