Devout Pessimist
Lohan is a tragedy. She still could have been getting dicks rock-hard if she had lived a better lifestyle. She was total babe before the drugs took a toll.

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She can play Val Kilmer's grandma.So... I’m guessing she’s not gonna be in the sequel.
Lori Petty aged pretty badly. She was absolutely gorgeous in POINT BREAK & now just twenty-some years later she's almost unrecognizable in ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK.
Hey, she’s sort of turned it around and is looking healthier and better, although old for her age...
better than that pic though
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Some more recent ones
Iggy Pop is looking pretty good these days. Good for him.
It’s semi recent. She admitted it in an interview. Google image Jenna Jameson ass implants and it’s first image that comes up...it sticks straight out....so sad.
<Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>You can't just post a picture of Jeffrey Tambor and say it's Lori Petty man.
His real problem is trying to look young. This is why IDGAF Nicholson is king.
Macualy Culkin is a huge boxing fan I found that interesting. I never knew he would be into such a brutal sport like boxing, reminds of when I found out that Harry Potter loves American football and has a fantasy teamDude seems to land on his feet pretty well. That fact that he was engaged to Mila Kunis for so long should tell you that he's at least got some kind of game.
This isn't aging though, more like the wonders of plastic surgery and narcotics.Michael Jackson owns everyone in ITT.
I think that was the only movie she ever looked hot in, isn't she a lesbo?Lori Petty aged pretty badly. She was absolutely gorgeous in POINT BREAK & now just twenty-some years later she's almost unrecognizable in ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK.
I think that was the only movie she ever looked hot in, isn't she a lesbo?
He looks normal for a guy in his 50s. And he went through a period where he didn't sound great but if you've seen them in concert in the past 2 years then he sounds amazing. He's been working with a vocal coach and really taking care of himself better. Bad Axl was like 2005 to 2014 or so. Since reuniting with slash and duff he's much better.He still looks pretty bad and now sings like he's micky mouse.
Males: Axl Rose looks like shit run over twice and Steven Seagal looks like Bobby Bacallieri from the Sopranos.
Females: Pamela Anderson was pretty fake even in her prime, but damn.