Alright boys, I'm starting a nice thread to get through this Wednesday! Most of us here have jobs and email is the most common way to communicate with co-workers in departments we are not near. My question for you guys is do any of you married guys have female co-workers that email you from time to time not involving business shit?
I work in Corrections as we've discussed and the officers go HAM email bombing female staff lol. I have a pretty good name where we are and women will show me these emails. They are horrendous. Simple as that.
I have quite a few female co-workers emailing me here and there and usually it's pretty brief as the WBS Ambassador doesn't shit where he eats and is happily married. Well, things got strange yesterday. I'll hit the cliffs at the end...
So I am friendly with a few women that work in different departments (LA 6-8s) and we talk about all types of non-work related stuff. No biggie...known them multiple years right? Well, two of the females I chat with became friends and I was brought up by one of them.
The other girl called me her work husband (I didn't agree to this lol). The girl she told said she thought I was HER work husband. They had a passive aggressive argument and now don't get along. I'm a Sherdogger so I guess the kid is in demand.
You guys got work wives?????
Cliffs: Two women at my work claimed me as their work husband even though I'm looking to play the work wife field like a Mormon.