Work shoes for people on their feet all day?

Needed non-slip, steel toe boots and the Timberland Pro boots I got felt like sneakers. They were both durable and super comfortable.
Not dress shoes sneakers. I go through Asics like crazy. They are OK but they only last a couple months before I need new ones. Im on my feet all day and walk around pretty much the whole time. Anyone have a recommendation?

New Balance shoes. Those shoes are a gift from the gods. Try Dr. Scholl's brand shoes too.
I'd say minimalist shoes because they feel the most natural and are great to develop the muscles in your feet. But not sure how long they will last if you go through sneakers that quickly.
No! You wear clogs! Fingerclogs!
don't you have to wear toe protection?

Look for something of medium weight, around the 300g mark, sole wear rate and comfort of the foot bed is important but don't neglect the upper, does it need weather protection? Are your feet going to get wet?

There are plenty of trail running shoes out there and reviews to go with.
I have steel toe boots for when I work in the plant but most of what I do nowadays is walk all around the property because there are so few of us. Too much walking for boots. Weather can be an issue but again I just wear my boots. I just need a athletic type shoe that lasts.
If on the feet a lot, compression calf sleeves are a must. Ask flight attendants (who wear pants).

I also use Sketchers and when trying on something more cushioned, the sole lacked grip and seemed like a sure slip and fall in the future.
Adidas GSG boots.

The originals were great. They had the overmoulding at the toe box to support flex. The next generation didn't. You ended up with sole separation at the balls of your feet. They added weight with insulation, but didn't breath well. Really squeaky on smooth surfaces. They were a notch above Hi-Tec.
Maybe not necessarily what you need but I got some Columbia hiking shoes that are super comfortable. Amazing grip, water resistant, and relatively cheap.
I have steel toe boots for when I work in the plant but most of what I do nowadays is walk all around the property because there are so few of us. Too much walking for boots. Weather can be an issue but again I just wear my boots. I just need a athletic type shoe that lasts.

Little bit heavier but they are waterproof with a leather and goretex upper, if you want something more sporty go with a trail running model, with a waterproof upper.
Depends on your feet & how they're structured. For example some love nike's & they're terrible for me. Try a few out and stick with the ones you like most.
Depends on your feet & how they're structured. For example some love nike's & they're terrible for me. Try a few out and stick with the ones you like most.

That's really helpful...........I'm having relationship issues at the moment, do you think you could help?
Not dress shoes sneakers. I go through Asics like crazy. They are OK but they only last a couple months before I need new ones. Im on my feet all day and walk around pretty much the whole time. Anyone have a recommendation?

Brooks ghost

I wear asics kayano or brook gts with blue superfeet insoles but that's because I overpronate.

For trail hiking/ running I wear Salomon
Not dress shoes sneakers. I go through Asics like crazy. They are OK but they only last a couple months before I need new ones. Im on my feet all day and walk around pretty much the whole time. Anyone have a recommendation?
Brooks. I used to tear through sneakers like crazy, but Brooks are really good quality and very comfortable.

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