"Woke" is now in the dictionary.

I only started hearing people use the word "woke" in the way TS described in the past year or so.

"Lucid" is the term I'm used to using and hearing.
Stay woke
:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s creepin
they gon find ya
A cook they hadde with hem for the nones
To boille the chiknes with the marybones,
And poudre-marchant tart and galyngale.
Wel koude he knowe a draughte of londoun ale.
He koude rooste, and sethe, and broille, and frye,
Maken mortreux, and wel bake a pye.
But greet harm was it, as it thoughte me,
That on his shyne a mormal hadde he.
For blankmanger, that made he with the beste.

in other words, he was hella woke.
You all know language is fluid, right?

Some commonly misused or misspelled word is eventually no longer considered misused or misspelled because enough speakers of that language are using it in the same manner, and are able to understand one another.

Written English circa a few hundreds years ago is almost unrecognizable.

You're pretty #woke
He's pretty #stupid. Or he's never read a classic book
I hope it's not in the context people use it now...

You can't be 'woke', you can be 'awake', or you could have 'woke up' previously

You're either "woke" or ""sleep"

I heard Erykah Badu use it like a decade ago...even most of my black friends didn't say "woke" then or now. But I definitely see white kids saying it. TeTe was telling me about one of his acquaintances - a privileged white liberal chick who I can't stand, claiming she saw Dear White People and is now "woke".
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From 1967;
I woke up this morning with the sundown shining in
I found my mind in a brown paper bag within
I tripped on a cloud and fell-a eight miles high
I tore my mind on a jagged sky
I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in

Fuck woke and the idiots that fucked up the word in the first place.
- what time did you get up?

- I woke up this morning around 8am.

Damn I would have thought that was proper prior to now.
Woke is definitely a word used by poor people.
I wish words from poor grammar or bastardized would not be included in formal dictionaries. Urban dictionary is fine. Does "aks or axe (?? spelling)" have an OED entry as an informal definition as "to inquire"?
You all know language is fluid, right?

Some commonly misused or misspelled word is eventually no longer considered misused or misspelled because enough speakers of that language are using it in the same manner, and are able to understand one another.

Written English circa a few hundreds years ago is almost unrecognizable.

Problem is these slang words rarely have any staying power. Who is still using the "hip" slang from even 5 years ago?
I'm convinced they put these words in so the people who say it can't be accused of having a poor grasp of the English language...because most people I've heard say it have a poor grasp of the English language.
You all know language is fluid, right?

Some commonly misused or misspelled word is eventually no longer considered misused or misspelled because enough speakers of that language are using it in the same manner, and are able to understand one another.

Written English circa a few hundreds years ago is almost unrecognizable.
I got castigated for this same point like 3 years ago.

I've heard black people say this for a LONG time. Only people I hear saying it nowadays are white, self-enlightened hipsters who "identify with the struggle" or whatever.[/QUOTE]

@Pied Piper ....are you upset in here because he mentioned you?....

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