With the coronavirus in mind, will you continue to roll?

15% if pretty fucking serious. I don't want to expose my parents to a 15% chance of dying. It's not about you or I, its about our parents who I would prefer to live another 10-20 years.

Again as I mentioned in the original post while 15% is serious is very far from a death sentence especially with early detection. Still best to not go around the older population or those with compromised immune system.
Again as I mentioned in the original post while 15% is serious is very far from a death sentence especially with early detection. Still best to not go around the older population or those with compromised immune system.
What does 15% mortality mean? I figured it meant 15% died. I'm asking, not arguing, I have no clue.
What does 15% mortality mean? I figured it meant 15% died. I'm asking, not arguing, I have no clue.

Yeah. Again though that number is for the elderly/compromised.

Hey guys this probably going to be my last post in this thread. I don’t really have the time or quite frankly the desire to discuss this anymore. It is my honest hope you or people you know don’t get sick (chances are looking so far they won’t but numbers are still coming in).

Rest assured that if you do get sick it’s most likely going to be very mild:



Take care and wash those hands!
My brother is a doctor so"in the field" He thinks the real problem is not the virus or it's rate in isolation. After all if you're 80+ you're gong to die somewhat soon of something. It sucks if its your grandparents (and we have some in that range) of course. But at least it doesn't affect young too much and affects kids almost not at all.

The real problem is that hospitals are not built for surges. They are not built for 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombers or plague. This makes sense - facilities and staff cost money and at least one hospital I know of is in the black only because of parking and the cafeteria. At that point nobody will get care and then even the young are f'ed. Already the hospital is taking about ending "elective" surgeries (acl repairs and so on) and it will probably happen at some point.

Yes it is a huge concern. Italy has run into the surge problem already.

They are also ending elective surgeries around here. Another one of my students sells joint replacements and is in the hospitals all the time. He is going to be completely out of work for a while because there will be no more surgeries of this type until things stabilize.

I talked with my grandpa yesterday (by phone as he is locked in with the rest of them). He was a department chief at one of our biggest hospitals here back in the day. He mentioned the surge specifically. He said that when he was the chief back during the Cold War, they designed surge plans for a mass casualty event. The idea was that Russia might nuke us. He says there should be still be enough tents in the basement to expand the bed capacity about 5x. Hopefully we can drum up enough staff to work that many beds.

He said we are probably stuck on the ventilators. That wasn't part of the Cold War prep, and we don't have nearly enough.
no im just not a sheep lol did u do the same with ebola? and west nile? when the world freaked out about it too and nothing ever happened
yeah remember that last time when italy was under lockdown and all other EU countries were heading that way really quickly, china closed a shitton of its factories and the US closed its borders to europe? it turned out it was nothing.

a badass like you isn't going to be stopped by some minor global pandemic, amirite?
My workplace has a number of policies which prohibit BJJ (among many other activities.)

I might be upset, except for the fact that my work funds my BJJ through our wellness policy.
I will take a 2 weeks break, for respect for my children, my family, and my clients. I'm an accountant in the mist of the tax report season. I see about 30 people everyday.

I'm really busy anyway, I pretty much should be doing that... I will run a couple times a week instead
Hang in there brother.

Thanks man. Really appreciate. Scared more for my parents than for myself to be honest. However government seems to have finally started making the right things so I hope we'll be able to make it through.

Hope things will play out well for you and for all the other guys here.
yeah remember that last time when italy was under lockdown and all other EU countries were heading that way really quickly, china closed a shitton of its factories and the US closed its borders to europe? it turned out it was nothing.

a badass like you isn't going to be stopped by some minor global pandemic, amirite?
Yes u r
Looks like I won't get the option to choose SINCE MY GYM IS ABOUT TO CLOSE FOR 2 WEEKS.

All these BJJ guys getting butt hurt their style is being defeated by Kung Flu, LOL, pathetic
People getting worried over some fake news and panicking, bunch of sheeps. We all probably all have coronavirus by now, and it's just nothing but a common flu with a fancy name. Get over it. Everyone will be fine. The weak immuned with already bad health will die out, and the strong with already good health will survive and be immuned to this coronavirus that's nothing but a common flu. It is what it is. Relax, everyone. It's all a bunch of fake news.
I decided to close my gym. My wife is a Ph.D. Molecular biologist and my brother a doctor. They both said that now is our best chance to minimize damage to the community by preventing community spread.

Sadly BJJ is the perfect vehicle for spreading the virus. My family depends on the income from our school so it was not an easy choice. But I'm a dumb BJJ guy surrounded by smart science people so I'll take their advice
People getting worried over some fake news and panicking, bunch of sheeps. We all probably all have coronavirus by now, and it's just nothing but a common flu with a fancy name. Get over it. Everyone will be fine. The weak immuned with already bad health will die out, and the strong with already good health will survive and be immuned to this coronavirus that's nothing but a common flu. It is what it is. Relax, everyone. It's all a bunch of fake news.
i'm going to bookmark this so you can tell us how it's fake news in two weeks.

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