Will you buy a reebok shirt of your favorite fighter?

I'm down with the idea that some of the proceeds go to the fighter, but I'm not sure that enough will go to them to justify buying it. Looks wise I'm impartial simply because it's what it represents that matters. Nobody ever bought a Boston Bruins jersey because they thought it looked good.
The price is too high. The champion shirts look good imo. I'd buy one if they were cheaper. The other ones look ugly as fuck. Whoever designed that needs to be fired asap.
UFC fighter jerseys will be populating the poorest African nations by this time next year. John Howard comparing this crap to real sports was either a reason to not allow him to fight or him kissing major ass.
No. And if I did get one it wouldn't be a shirt I would wear in public. It would just be worn for workouts
About time someone made this thread

For the Millionth time
One of the tees that mcgregor and kavanaugh were wearing, sure, not one of the jerseys
Nope. I'll buy the fighters shirt from their website though. #dontlettheufctellyourstory
nah... I actually wanted to but I haven't seen anything yet that wasn't hugely overpriced AND awful looking

and for McGregor's shirt, they listed his style as brazilian Jiu Jitsu AND THEY MISSPELLED IT
I'd rather send my favourite fighter $100 and smear dog shit on my chest.

Unless I can get a Giblert shirt. I'd get one of those. That's simply awesome.
No. Other people talked about how Reebok should start making more UFC licensed gear though, and yeah, like if they release an official "Fabricio Werdum Double Weave" or something I would be about that.

Saw a guy outside the bank in the same american flag color Torque shirt mendes wears though.
Nope. I'll buy the fighters shirt from their website though. #dontlettheufctellyourstory