Will UFC post Derrick Lewis shutting out Francis for the FREE FIGHT promo?


Oct 3, 2015
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With Lewis fighting this week will they post this after what Francis did against Fury? Lewis 30-27d Francis but it was one of the shittiest male fights of alltime. Will they stoop this low?
Play Vince's intro music of "No Chance".
Dana's not allowed to be petty now that the real boss is in charge.
There is no situation under the sun that would render that footage something that makes a viewer want to watch more of one of the fighters. Surely not even the pettiness of Dana and his desire to humble Ngannou could get past its manifest awfulness.
With Lewis fighting this week will they post this after what Francis did against Fury? Lewis 30-27d Francis but it was one of the shittiest male fights of alltime. Will they stoop this low?
Are you trying to set a record for most meaningless threads started?
"Shutting out francis"

Lol. Imagine anyone on either side of that fight trying to claim some kind of victory