Will Smith Stockton Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars

She sat front row with her bald head on display. She CLEARLY wasn't that concerned or she could have worn a high dollar wig that looked real. That's what people do when they are worried about being made fun of. They don't show up and sit front and center with their head like that at an event known for jokes.
dude wtf is wrong w/ you?
5'8" vs 5'11" and 10 years younger, plus not as passive. Would have been a very different reaction to the joke is all I'm saying.

What makes Chappelle not as passive? Nothing about Chappelle tells me he would have done anything different. He's not some dude who was raised in the hood. He's from the burbs and he even says that.
So she shaves her head due to an auto immune disorder, is clearly self conscious about it but you still choose to be an asshole about it?

Cool bud.... Like I give a shit that you want to tell me that you're an asshole.

Jada Pinkett Smith doesn't seem like a particularly nice person but it doesn't mean they need to be insulted in front of millions about something they clearly don't want to be made fun of for.

Anyway, you condoning it is a problem with the world but assholes don't particularly ever care or admit to the fact they're assholes.

get a life you soft ass cunt, Chris Rock wasn't making fun of her disease, he was making a joke about her being bald. she's bald because she shaved her head not because of alopecia. her alopecia is so minor she wouldn't even need a wig to disguise it. she just trying to be edgy.

stop white knighting old hollywood bitches who cucked their husbands.

i'm an asshole because i say things that other people too scared to say and i say it in a brutally blunt manner. that doesn't change the fact that it's true. i rather be a truthful asshole than a nice lying ass coward.

I just saw some pictures of them and neither one looks considerably bigger than the other. Chappelle looks bigger but it's not considerable and it's nothing that would make another man worried.
Thank you for that objective and professionel opinion. Allways a pleasure to hear the opinion of a true expert and probably gentleman.
She sat front row with her bald head on display. She CLEARLY wasn't that concerned or she could have worn a high dollar wig that looked real. That's what people do when they are worried about being made fun of. They don't show up and sit front and center with their head like that at an event known for jokes.
Lol what a scumbag you wouldn’t be saying this to anyones wife with that condition without getting your face smashed in .
The history of comedy has shown, repeatedly, that there are no off limits jokes and the joke Rock told was light shit. My god, they were attending a black tie event where jokes are always told, always.
It wasn't a comedy show. Nice try.

Imagine thinking you can use the guise of "comedy" when it's not even a fucking comedy show.

You guys seemed to have skipped out the day that logic was given out. You have none.

I am gonna go make fun of black people for being black at the grocery store now and say "hey guy, don't get so offended, it was just a joke"..... hurka durka.

Oh wait, this is where you tell me the shows are always like this.... Then i need to continue to explain to you why you just maybe shouldn't be an asshole because you're 5 years old and don't get 1+1=2 logic.
The history of comedy has shown, repeatedly, that there are no off limits jokes and the joke Rock told was light shit. My god, they were attending a black tie event where jokes are always told, always.
I would love to see you dealing with this insanity on live TV.
Guess Will Smith is a nervous wreck atm[
get a life you soft ass cunt, Chris Rock wasn't making fun of her disease, he was making a joke about her being bald. she's bald because she shaved her head not because of alopecia. her alopecia is so minor she wouldn't even need a wig to disguise it. she just trying to be edgy.

stop white knighting old hollywood bitches who cucked their husbands.

i'm an asshole because i say things that other people too scared to say and i say it in a brutally blunt manner. that doesn't change the fact that it's true. i rather be a truthful asshole than a nice lying ass coward.

ooooo you called me soft.... Holy shit dude, you're so tough

lol Sherdog. What a place.
get a life you soft ass cunt, Chris Rock wasn't making fun of her disease, he was making a joke about her being bald. she's bald because she shaved her head not because of alopecia. her alopecia is so minor she wouldn't even need a wig to disguise it. she just trying to be edgy.

stop white knighting old hollywood bitches who cucked their husbands.

i'm an asshole because i say things that other people too scared to say and i say it in a brutally blunt manner. that doesn't change the fact that it's true. i rather be a truthful asshole than a nice lying ass coward.


I agree...where are the bald spots exactly? She has perfect stubble across the dome except that one little spot which has 10000 solutions including a powder that easily covers it.

It's 100% hollywood edgy BS

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