Wilhelm, you own this board now.

Gracias. Its good to be the king.

Don't think your taking over this forum without a fight.
Holy shit dude my wife is gonna die when she see's that.

If that freaks you out you should see what I have trained my gerbils to do.......Actually maybe you shouldn't.
No not freaked she thought it was cute. Kittens own her.

yellow card i say for that!!

i once had my thread banned about a website concerning poo
It's fake poo. So that should be alright.

I also wanna pleed for allowing fake boobs to be posted.
yeah..im with you on that one...

implants only!!!!
I just wanted to remind you guys of the title of this thread.

There is no way that this board can belong to someone who has a pierced penis.

You Cali people are so "special".
who the fuck has a pierced penis...

and before you answer that...

how the fuck do you know that shit?
Originally posted by treelo
who the fuck has a pierced penis...

and before you answer that...

how the fuck do you know that shit?

ROFLMAO!!!! I do and its because Hound and I are CLOSE!!!

Once again just letting you guys who really is boss!

Your days are over. It's complete chaos now over here.
Wilhelm you insignificant worm shut up and know your role.

This board belongs to the Cylon Empire.
