Social Why was AOC putting on a show over nothing?

Mannnn this post gave me a sad. That’s the same watch bro. It has a crystal back so to show off dat mechanical movement. There are 600 moving parts there. It’s a masterpiece of art and engineering if you enjoy that sort of stuff


I'd legit be scared to wear that.
I'd legit be scared to wear that.

We’re talking house prices for those btw. I don’t think most people would know it’s value and most couldn’t tell the difference between a Lange and say a Rolex
I think my problem is when I finished my college degree I was almost 3-4 years older than most everyone else in my classes (it took me longer than 4 years to get it) so the way she talks reminds me a ton of those kids that came from more well to do backgrounds than me that had zero life experiences... got into all the colleges they applied to, never got bounced out for failing grades or dealing with slight depression (I basically didn't leave a bed for 3 months one year due to like 4 family members dying in 3 months) and it infuriates me.

And I know she wasn't telling him to PERSONALLY go over there and do something but her

I get she was telling him to try and work policy or some shit but.... choose better wording lady, you're talking to a fmr SEAL that lost an eye because of an IED... like.. come on...
That's fair, and I get that.
She is very unpolished, and could work on her delivery if she ever wanted to appeal to a broader audience.

I meet young fresh out of university Americans all the time where i am now, so, i know the type you're talking about. And although AOC may sound like that type, she isn't. She has the voice and look, but she isn't an inexperienced snowflake.

She graduated from a good uni, and interned for Ted Kennedy at 19. When her dad died she went back home to work multiple jobs to help her mom keep their home. And at the same time she was working for multiple nonprofit groups. So, she's not some sheltered, dummy that lucked herself into her position. She worked for it.
People just have a totally off impression of who she is.
Oddly enough, it's all the bitching about her that made me start paying more attention to her to see if she was as "dumb and crazy " as she was being made out to be
Mannnn this post gave me a sad. That’s the same watch bro. It has a crystal back to show off dat mechanical movement. There are 600 moving parts there. It’s a masterpiece of art and engineering if you enjoy that sort of stuff


Dude.... I mean... I thought you'd get it.
Hey, I could just be deep in the koolaid, but i just don't see her as the type to do a pose stunt like this, especially this early in her political run. She's a passionate 29 year old woman. She just doesn't strike me as someone that would need to fake something like this.
Ive heard her speak aggressively and passionately on ICE and immigration, no acting would be required in such a moment

i mean, she seems to just be an actress (which also would explain why her prepared statements/etc are ok, but once she's facing questions and has to go off-script, it's a trainwreck), so...

i mean, she seems to just be an actress (which also would explain why her prepared statements/etc are ok, but once she's facing questions and has to go off-script, it's a trainwreck), so...

Well she literally runs when people ask her anything that she doesn't want to talk about or doesn't know how to talk about...
I have a 500$ Movado watch. Does that mean I can't talk about income inequality?

If you own any time keeping device beyond a sun dial in your back yard any concern you express over income inequality is pure hypocrisy.
i mean, she seems to just be an actress (which also would explain why her prepared statements/etc are ok, but once she's facing questions and has to go off-script, it's a trainwreck), so...


Wow. These are the kinds of guys you dudes listen to? So much horseshit in the 5 minutes i heard. You guys are constantly fooled by articulate fools. There's no substance.

She was just a bartender, turned actor, with no interest in politics. ..despite interning for a senator when she was 19 (she was the only Spanish speaker in the office so had to talk to Spanish speakers about ICE and immigration ), majored in international relations, organized for Bernie's election in 2016, and was a part of community and political groups before she ran for office since she was in high school.

What train wrecks are you talking about? Im curious as to what qualifies
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you got me. by "actress," i should have said "glorified waitress/bartender."
Lol what exactly is your guys hard on about her being a bartender?
She graduated from a university with a degree in international relations and economics. She went home after university to help her single mom (single because her husband died of cancer) so that their house wouldn't get foreclosed on, lol and you guys shit on her for that? Really?
Obviously she's very smart since she got elected. Isn't that how it works?

She's a dimwit, she's the reason Amazon didn't build a warehouse ins NY. She thought the state was literally giving the company a few billion dollars when it was a tax cut.
Lol what exactly is your guys hard on about her being a bartender?
She graduated from a university with a degree in international relations and economics. She went home after university to help her single mom (single because her husband died of cancer) so that their house wouldn't get foreclosed on, lol and you guys shit on her for that? Really?

holy mother of strawman.
As the owner of a $500 watch, I ardently disagree.

When one of the companies I worked for sold, I bought myself a $300 watch as a reward. That’s the most expensive one I own. But like @nac386 said earlier, it’s not my business to count someone else’s money. The only time you should look at your neighbors plate is to make sure they have enough food. And there’s nothing wrong with saying “I want others to have a fair chance at receiving the same level of success I’ve reached.”

All that said, I dislike AOC.
Its the point, she got dolled up to go visit a migrant camp for a photoshoot. She was there to highlight the struggles these people are going through. To show the children being matched into the gas chambers.
Does she not own sneaker, jeans, a normal shirt? No, she dresses in an all white outfit with a movado watch. If your family member was locked up in jail, would you put on a suit and movado watch to go visit them?
This was simply a try hard situation. It looked comical that as these children lay there with Trump beating them and starving them to death, AOC puts on bright red lipstick, an all white outfit...and cant forget her materialistic watch, which in our society now is pointless other than being a fashion statement.
I care more about a popular politician bringing attention to something horrible going on that what she chose to wear while doing so.
Also your hyperbole is weakening your case, not strengthening it.
Nah it just means you don't practice what you preach. Why dontcha give that watch to all the needy people, Hmm? Socialism is coming for you... do you really think they're not going to?
So you can't both own an expensive watch and want to expand social programs to help middle and lower income people? I never realized being a social democrat was so restrictive on what personal jewelry you can wear.
Move up to a Submariner, and then maybe think about shutting up some about excessive spending. $600 isn’t much for a watch.

Plus you can use the Trump excuse. Who are you to not take advantage of the current climate? Strive for change, like immigration reform, but don’t not hire illegals until you reach your goal.
Lol You guys are pathetic.
AOC living rent free in your domes.

Are we really having grown men discussing this woman's clothing and watch? Really?????
Was she supposed to come dressed in a potato sack and sandals?

She's wearing a white shirt and white pants, and you guys act like she's Melania Trump wearing Versace heels and a Chanel dress and bag. She's not going to a funeral.

A $500 watch is NOTHING. And how do you even know that she bought it herself? Watches are often gifts, especially for women.

AOC is the most popular politician behind Trump. She doesn't have to "bring" a camera crew with her. They follow her.
It might shock some of you that everyone out there doesn't have the same cold, reptilian brains that you do. Some people actually do give a shit about things beyond themselves.
Lol and anyways, why is anyone really surprised about a woman crying? Women cry about a lot of things. How is her crying about children dying in a US detention center shocking ?

Hey brah at least the First Lady doesn’t have cassette tapes for an ass


Man I know trump ain’t putting in the work he needs to there....