Why sparring is dead


Brown Belt
May 15, 2022
Reaction score
Interesting take on how play encourages study and learning over aggressive guidance. I have never had a hard sparring session that encouraged learning. His description of assuming a harsh teaching style is pretty close to my idea of what a bad teacher is, and that goes for those who who focus on seeking perfectionism too, which we tend to know is a big instigator of anxiety and burnout, that is normal learning environments. He says sparring encourages winning over learning. and is therefore detrimental to the process This tends to be true for most fields and the play stage in human development is a major learning stage.

How the hell are you supposed to be prepared for a fight situation without sparring? In boxing (and I'm sure there's a name for it in MMA) they call the people who never spar (boxercisers). Which is fine if you don't want to compete... but if you are competing, it's an invaluable tool.

Not to mention, sparring doesn't have to be a free for all to see who can "win." There are a ton of ways to spar to learn.. even specific things. Jab sparring, offense/defense, wall drills, only using specific defensive tactics, etc. All important for learning.
idk about moving it to standup. sparring is grappling and the topic was also focussed on how people learn.
idk about moving it to standup. sparring is grappling and the topic was also focussed on how people learn.
the video you posted wasn't specific to grappling... so yeah, it really could have gone to either sub. Also, it's not really an appropriate topic for Mayberry.
I'm really unclear what the op means, can they clarify?

Sparring exists in many different forms and you definitely need some hard sparring... actually gym fights to be more specific a step above hard sparring before you take an ameteur fight.

I would be highly irresponsible for any trainer to put someone he's responsible for into an actual fight to find out how the react to bring hit for real.

Hard sparring is also at a higher speed tha light sparring. Strikes come faster, its useful for that reason alone.

However, there are a load of dickhead "trainers " who take it way to far because rhey want to, I dunno, act hard. Once against, they are responsible for who they train (up to a point) and this is an example of an irresponsible trainer.
It is necessary to learn to spar hard early but later on you don't really need it.

I don't think its bad to give a guy a hard sparring session early to set a bar they can reach. Show them what they are training for and illustrate why and where they need to learn. It's also quite often needed to put a guys ego in check so they can be taught... or weed them out. A lot of guys who walk into a gym need an ego check.

The key is that you pair them up with someone who is much better than them and will spar hard while taking care of them. Most gyms have guys trainers know can spar hard but safely.
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I don't think its bad to give a guy a hard sparring session early to set a bar they can reach. Show them what they are training for and illustrate why and where they need to learn. It's also quite often needed to put a guys ego in check so they can be taught... or weed them out. A lot of guys who walk into a gym need an ego check.

The key is that you pair them up with someone who is much better than them and will spar hard while taking care of them. Most gyms have guys trainers know can spar hard but safely.
completely agree
I haven’t watched the video but it immediately looks like there’s some bullshit/manipulation going on.

Putting Floyd in the thumbnail.

@YoungCashMoney Has talked about seeing Floyd first hand being brutal with his sparring partners.

I’ve also seen clips of it on the countdown shows and on YouTube.

Where is the source that Floyd doesn’t spar hard? Even if there is a clip it’s probably him talking about not getting into gym wars taken out of context.

I strongly suspect a clip of floyd talking about not getting in to gym wars is completely different to the type of goof around/non contact sparring the OP likely advocates.
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Yes it’s always good to feel fear and adrenaline for the first time when you fight. You don’t want to make mistakes in the gym but only when you go out there when your health is on the line
howd you get the dubs homie?
I don't think its bad to give a guy a hard sparring session early to set a bar they can reach. Show them what they are training for and illustrate why and where they need to learn. It's also quite often needed to put a guys ego in check so they can be taught... or weed them out. A lot of guys who walk into a gym need an ego check.

The key is that you pair them up with someone who is much better than them and will spar hard while taking care of them. Most gyms have guys trainers know can spar hard but safely.
16 Y-O me sparred against my instructor on my first day of kickboxing. He uppercuted me in the nose and I pissed blood. I remember being proud lol. But that was in the 90s. I can‘t imagine giving a bloody nose to a teenager on his first day. Times have changed.
16 Y-O me sparred against my instructor on my first day of kickboxing. He uppercuted me in the nose and I pissed blood. I remember being proud lol. But that was in the 90s. I can‘t imagine giving a bloody nose to a teenager on his first day. Times have changed.

Haha. I got a beating on my first day boxing too, by my uncle when I was 4. It was his "You're not going to cry when you get hit because you'll not embaress yourself if you get in a scrap at school" training. I cried. A lot.

He be arrested now and I'd be removed by child protection. Haha.

First day in a gym i got a smack too. Thought I was hot shit because I'd boxed at home with family and because i was pretty big for my age . I got ego checked bad. Got put in with an ameteur who bloodied my nose then punched me in the liver. Waited until I recovered (like 30 mins later) persuaded me back in then punched me in the liver again.

Found out later he held back a lot after I got hit hard in the liver for the first time. To this day I'd 100% prefer to be punched in my big stupid head than the body.

I'm not sure if those were the good old days or not. But I certainly learned I wasn't hot shit.