Why so many 1st/2nd generation immigrant American fighters who rep another country's flag?

Nothing wrong with repping where you are from, take your complaint to the people in Little Italy
money≠not being racist. what you said would also be true in the 50s when they were lynching blacks.

Except nobody is lynching blacks. Why you would use such a disgusting comparison shows how evil and deluded your thought process is.

And no, blacks couldn't make the best living in the 50's. Every person in American can make the best living today. That's why you have Indian, Muslim, Jew, African, White senators and judges and presidents and sheriffs and billionaires.
Except nobody is lynching blacks. Why you would use such a disgusting comparison shows how evil and deluded your thought process is.

And no, blacks couldn't make the best living in the 50's. Every person in American can make the best living today. That's why you have Indian, Muslim, Jew, African, White senators and judges and presidents and sheriffs and billionaires.

Blacks in the 50s were making a better living in the united states than most places in africa. That doesnt change that there was racism then and racism now. money doesnt change that in either case.
also https://www.truthdig.com/articles/p...-lynching-8-year-old-biracial-boy-hate-crime/
That's the result of only marketing one section of society as American.

america isnt a real country

its a collective of ppl from different countries

its like asking why ppl dont represent eu or un?

Not sure if failed US civics class in HS or just a product of inferior education
Usman and Hall weren't born in the US. Why does it matter, they're not American.

And those fighters who were born in the US have ties to those other countries.

The one you should be mad about is Lesnar rocking that Canadian gear at UFC 200.

They're American in every way possible that isn't natural birth. They lived in American neighborhoods, went to American schools, used American public services, given American opportunities. I don't see any fighters that grew up and live in Jamaica or Nigeria or Cameroon making it to the UFC. Without this country, these people would be working in factories and mines or gangs

As for Lesnar, fuck Lesnar. I gave him shit when that went down too. He's a mental case ingrate as well
Because despite the common "muh American values" narrative, moving people from one clump of dirt to another clump of dirt doesn't change their DNA, culture, tribal instinct, etc...

People who think otherwise should crack open a history book.

Well, actually it does change a lot about them. You clearly have never read a book in your life. I'll give you two major examples. Revolutionary War and World War 2.

The largest American ethnic group that served in WW2 were Italians. And they went to Europe and crushed Germany and Italy. Because they were loyal to the American nation that offered them a chance at a better life. They still carry their Italian flags in America but they are loyal to the death to the American nation.

The most decorated unit in WW2 was a Japanese-American unit. Loyal to the death to the American nation that even mistreated them greatly.

Same can be said in the Revolutionary War where the European migrants defeated the British to form an American nation.

Some people aren't fucking cowards and don't whine at the first sign of hardship. None of you whiners will ever know what the Japanese went through in American during WW2 yet you sit here lecturing about how bad America is.

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They're American in every way possible that isn't natural birth. They lived in American neighborhoods, went to American schools, used American public services, given American opportunities. I don't see any fighters that grew up and live in Jamaica or Nigeria or Cameroon making it to the UFC. Without this country, these people would be working in factories and mines or gangs

Oh shut the fuck up!
Be interested to know his families reason for coming? If it was work related fair enough but that's still a bit of a slap in the face to the US if he spent his life there.

If it was "fleeing xxxx" in nigeria then the dudes an ass hole.

If you were forced to flee. You'd still love your home land but feel bitter about the circumstances.
Why would they show allegiance for the flag of a backwards bigoted country where half the population are yokels who would happily deport their entire family?

Lol. They can always move if they feel that way. Pathetic
They're American in every way possible that isn't natural birth. They lived in American neighborhoods, went to American schools, used American public services, given American opportunities. I don't see any fighters that grew up and live in Jamaica or Nigeria or Cameroon making it to the UFC. Without this country, these people would be working in factories and mines or gangs
Now you just sound like a ignorant fuck.

"Without this country, these people would be working in factories, and mines or gangs?"

You do know that their parents from "those" countries raised them, right? As a child of Jamaican immigrants, yes this country has provided great opportunities for me, but it was our parents who made us who we are and gave us the tools needed to be successful in this country.

MMA isn't big in Jamaica, Nigeria or Cameroon. It a funny you name countries with black people as the majority and say they would be working in factories, mines or in gangs but Miocic won't be? I guess it only applies to black immigrants.
Blacks in the 50s were making a better living in the united states than most places in africa. That doesnt change that there was racism then and racism now. money doesnt change that in either case.
also https://www.truthdig.com/articles/p...-lynching-8-year-old-biracial-boy-hate-crime/

There is no institutional racism in America anymore. That's a tangible fact.

There is absolutely racism. But it is not like it was in the 50's. Not even close.

You're deluded to even make the comparison.
Lol. They can always move if they feel that way. Pathetic
How is it pathetic voicing your opinion on America. And as much as I consider myself a patriot, it is true. The country is at a low point right now. You know it, I know it and everyone else knows it.
Well, actually it does change a lot about them. You clearly have never read a book in your life. I'll give you two major examples. Revolutionary War and World War 2.

The largest American ethnic group that served in WW2 were Italians. And they went to Europe and crushed Germany and Italy. Because they were loyal to the American nation that offered them a chance at a better life. They still carry their Italian flags in America but they are loyal to the death to the American nation.

The most decorated unit in WW2 was a Japanese unit. Loyal to the death to the American nation that even mistreated them greatly.

Same can be said in the Revolutionary War where the European migrants defeated the British to form an American nation.

Some people aren't fucking cowards and don't whine at the first sign of hardship. None of you whiners will ever know what the Japanese went through in American during WW2 yet you sit here lecturing about how bad America is.

What the japanese went through? I thought were talking about Americans bro.
What the japanese went through? I thought were talking about Americans bro.

Yeah, what the Japanese-Americans went through. They were taken to camps. They suffered a lot and still fought loyally for America.
Yeah, what the Japanese-Americans went through. They were taken to camps. They suffered a lot and still fought loyally for America.
nah pretty sure you said the japanese bro.
Last I heard it was free country where you were allowed to celebrate your heritage? I mean douchebags like you are still allowed to wave your confederate flags around like a bunch of inbreds right? And the South were traitorous bastards who tried to destroy the union.

I never got the whole South inbred joke, especially coming from people championing immigration, considering alot of these countries practice incest a cultural norm.

Anyway, I never said they didn't have the right. As usual mental midgets like you misinterpret the point of a post like this. No one is arguing legal rights of people to wave flags. I'm talking about individuals respecting and having pride in the country that sheltered them and shaped them, rather than the country that was so bad they had to risk everything to leave
There is no institutional racism in America anymore. That's a tangible fact.

There is absolutely racism. But it is not like it was in the 50's. Not even close.

You're deluded to even make the comparison.
thats bullshit, we had a president say trayvon martin could be his son because of his race. Thats some racial bias in the highest position of power in government in this country.

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