Why landing on the moon is proving more difficult today than 50 years ago?

From chat gpt
  1. Complexity of Missions: Modern lunar missions may involve more complex objectives, such as specific scientific experiments, longer durations, or the establishment of sustainable habitats. These additional goals can introduce new challenges.
  2. Technological Advancements: While technology has advanced significantly, it doesn't mean that space missions have become simpler. New technologies bring new complexities, and the integration of various advanced systems can pose challenges.
  3. Stringent Safety Standards: After incidents like the Space Shuttle Challenger and Columbia disasters, there's an increased focus on safety in space missions. This can lead to more rigorous testing and verification processes, which might extend mission timelines.
  4. Funding and Budget Constraints: Funding availability and budget constraints can impact the design and execution of space missions. If a mission is underfunded or faces budget cuts, it may compromise certain aspects of the mission, potentially making it more challenging.
  5. Changing Priorities: The space exploration landscape has evolved over the decades, with shifting priorities among space agencies and nations. Different missions may have varying levels of emphasis and support, affecting their overall success.
    Are you all 100% sure that we actually went to the moon?
