I remember reading this years back, then lost the link but always remembered it in the back of my head (kept thinking fever for some reason). I came across it a few weeks ago, but there's an interesting parallel with Yoel's fight if its true that Yoel went into the Luke fight with an injured leg and likely why he missed weight.
According to his interview in Russian:
- Khabib was training with Gray Maynard in AKA, when Gray fucked up his leg during sparring.
- The fight was on May 25. Maynard injured Khabib's leg on April 22.
- He couldn't train for 2 weeks, up till May 5th.
So he effectively had 19 days for camp and weight-cut. That is TOUGH. When you take that into consideration, you realize why Khabib flipped out at Abel during the weigh-ins. Khabib also mentioned in a post-fight interview he had tried to shake Abel's hand and apologize backstage but Abel snubbed him, then when Abel pressed against him at weigh-ins Khabib felt the disrespect so he pushed back.
Khabib mentions he had originally planned to fight Abel on the feet, but because of his leg injury he kept it exclusively on the ground. Hence, we got the record breaking 21 takedowns.
Wait, Maynard was at AKA?.. I did a google search and this is what came up:
The Pearson fight was in August. So basically Maynard fucked up Khabib's leg in mid April and then ran off to another gym 2 months later. What a loser.
Khabib had it tough and still showed up for fight night. The dude gets a LOT of unneeded hate. Like how they keep bringing up "he pulled out from Cerrone" fights, his fault is even taking whatever fights they offer him. He pulled out way before fight camp, fights get scrapped all the time but you don't hear about them. He gets shit on for fighting Horcher when its Tony that pulled out that time due to lung injury. Eddie ducked him, so he fought MJ. Realistically he's only had 1 bad weight-cut which is also the only time a fight got scrapped last minute.
@Death By Samson @Leroy Jenkins @Kung Fu bb @SherdogGoat @Kneeuinthenutz @Guernica @ReturnoftheKing @Tramero @Toner @Papa Shaun @AMAZINGUFC @benki11 @skold @Helden @Flokk @SJP_SevenLaker @Ares Black @faustian @BRASIL WAND @Arm Barbarian @TheGrouch @paynebringer @Dragov @Grill master @legedema @HuskySamoan @zxyss25 @Only Here for Attachments @Yung Dilla @rearnakedchoke @UL @sissypunch @JackWhite @chick magnet punk @Chain Saw @CBohl @Rondas Pillow @illegalnature @Silverstar17 @Zeroinnes @thehighking @INoHespectChael @HHJ @Mga223 @dickcheney @SenorGuillen @fatlipjesus @ReturnoftheKing @sherdoug420 @BForrester @ramair455 @Kobra420 @FlyingKimurabar @Ethan Rom @Oooxente @ArtemV @gb@Trumpski @SoSoSmart @DevilsLettuce @20falarVerdades @Huligani @Gabkicks @Luger @Siauliai @Gangsters_Paradise @wildchild88 @Shammon @rubberneck41 @Noxcho18 @Typrune Goatley @Khabib Fan @Khabibs Tiramisu @KhabibTheBeagle @giusti825 @WeirdFacts @Not A Real Fan @xMaxPower @migeru29 @Bumblebeef @Gabkicks @Londonjitsu @ExitLUPin @Obitronix @GloryOfIran @TheHNICuLuv2Hate
According to his interview in Russian:
- Khabib was training with Gray Maynard in AKA, when Gray fucked up his leg during sparring.
- The fight was on May 25. Maynard injured Khabib's leg on April 22.
- He couldn't train for 2 weeks, up till May 5th.
So he effectively had 19 days for camp and weight-cut. That is TOUGH. When you take that into consideration, you realize why Khabib flipped out at Abel during the weigh-ins. Khabib also mentioned in a post-fight interview he had tried to shake Abel's hand and apologize backstage but Abel snubbed him, then when Abel pressed against him at weigh-ins Khabib felt the disrespect so he pushed back.
Khabib mentions he had originally planned to fight Abel on the feet, but because of his leg injury he kept it exclusively on the ground. Hence, we got the record breaking 21 takedowns.
Wait, Maynard was at AKA?.. I did a google search and this is what came up:
Maynard didn't move into a one-bedroom apartment right next to the gym. He bought a house that required a remodeling and was located in a beach town an hourlong drive from the AKA mats. In 2013, he became a father to a girl, Estella.
He worked out at AKA but he was never really an AKA "guy." Before his last fight, a TKO loss to Ross Pearson in August, he switched camps again, electing to do a one-off fight preparation at Power MMA in Arizona.
He worked out at AKA but he was never really an AKA "guy." Before his last fight, a TKO loss to Ross Pearson in August, he switched camps again, electing to do a one-off fight preparation at Power MMA in Arizona.
The Pearson fight was in August. So basically Maynard fucked up Khabib's leg in mid April and then ran off to another gym 2 months later. What a loser.
Khabib had it tough and still showed up for fight night. The dude gets a LOT of unneeded hate. Like how they keep bringing up "he pulled out from Cerrone" fights, his fault is even taking whatever fights they offer him. He pulled out way before fight camp, fights get scrapped all the time but you don't hear about them. He gets shit on for fighting Horcher when its Tony that pulled out that time due to lung injury. Eddie ducked him, so he fought MJ. Realistically he's only had 1 bad weight-cut which is also the only time a fight got scrapped last minute.
@Death By Samson @Leroy Jenkins @Kung Fu bb @SherdogGoat @Kneeuinthenutz @Guernica @ReturnoftheKing @Tramero @Toner @Papa Shaun @AMAZINGUFC @benki11 @skold @Helden @Flokk @SJP_SevenLaker @Ares Black @faustian @BRASIL WAND @Arm Barbarian @TheGrouch @paynebringer @Dragov @Grill master @legedema @HuskySamoan @zxyss25 @Only Here for Attachments @Yung Dilla @rearnakedchoke @UL @sissypunch @JackWhite @chick magnet punk @Chain Saw @CBohl @Rondas Pillow @illegalnature @Silverstar17 @Zeroinnes @thehighking @INoHespectChael @HHJ @Mga223 @dickcheney @SenorGuillen @fatlipjesus @ReturnoftheKing @sherdoug420 @BForrester @ramair455 @Kobra420 @FlyingKimurabar @Ethan Rom @Oooxente @ArtemV @gb@Trumpski @SoSoSmart @DevilsLettuce @20falarVerdades @Huligani @Gabkicks @Luger @Siauliai @Gangsters_Paradise @wildchild88 @Shammon @rubberneck41 @Noxcho18 @Typrune Goatley @Khabib Fan @Khabibs Tiramisu @KhabibTheBeagle @giusti825 @WeirdFacts @Not A Real Fan @xMaxPower @migeru29 @Bumblebeef @Gabkicks @Londonjitsu @ExitLUPin @Obitronix @GloryOfIran @TheHNICuLuv2Hate
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