Why isn't Thanos the most powerful person in the comic world

The Sandman comics somehow made it work that no one was all powerful,and all mythologies deities etc exist and that each had a role to play,which i feel is more true than any of this horseshit
Does it matter? Batman is a much better character than the entire roster of Avengers despite having no superpowers at all. More focus on what makes an interesting hero/villain and less on whoever is the most "cosmic".
He is okay. But in a world of endless possibilities, like the superhero genre, he still comes off as unrealistic.
The Sandman comics somehow made it work that no one was all powerful,and all mythologies deities etc exist and that each had a role to play,which i feel is more true than any of this horseshit
Was Yahweh in the Sandman comics?

I know he was in other Vertigo comics.
Soon theyl get bored and make the 13 above the One above all
Was Yahweh in the Sandman comics?

I know he was in other Vertigo comics.
They had a "Creator" that was fashioned from the christian version of god. He cast Lucifer from heaven and influenced things,but he never really appeared. He was obviously powerful but wasnt seen as any MORE powerful than say.. Odin appeared to be. During the series Lucifer decides to leave Hell and open a nightclub on earth,so even Hell wasnt the absolute that it is in Xtianity. Its just a place you COULD go,dependent upon your beliefs. The Sandman himself appeared to different people as what they expected to see based on their beliefs and cultures. I thought it was beautiful,but also amazing how he managed it.
Thanos needs the gauntlet/stones to attain vast amounts of power. That being said, without it, yes he's still strong and would get whipped by someone like Spider-Man.
Batman is one of the top 5 smartest man in DC and with prep time he would eventually be #1.
And yet Dr. Doom is smarter.
They had a "Creator" that was fashioned from the christian version of god. He cast Lucifer from heaven and influenced things,but he never really appeared. He was obviously powerful but wasnt seen as any MORE powerful than say.. Odin appeared to be. During the series Lucifer decides to leave Hell and open a nightclub on earth,so even Hell wasnt the absolute that it is in Xtianity. Its just a place you COULD go,dependent upon your beliefs. The Sandman himself appeared to different people as what they expected to see based on their beliefs and cultures. I thought it was beautiful,but also amazing how he managed it.
Lucifer in Sandman was the same Lucifer from the Lucifer series, right?

I read that, but never Sandman.
And yet Dr. Doom is smarter.

Lucifer in Sandman was the same Lucifer from the Lucifer series, right?

I read that, but never Sandman.
Yes he is.

And yet Dr. Doom is smarter.

Lucifer in Sandman was the same Lucifer from the Lucifer series, right?

I read that, but never Sandman.

Not with prep time. Batman always gets the job done if given prep time. So you can say he is #1 smartest man in all of comics.
Not with prep time. Batman always gets the job done if given prep time. So you can say he is #1 smartest man in all of comics.
Doom has done more with prep.

You're wrong, but I doubt you'll accept it.
Thanos needs the gauntlet/stones to attain vast amounts of power. That being said, without it, yes he's still strong and would get whipped by someone like Spider-Man.

Wait...didn't Thanos beat the ever living shit out of the Hulk without using any of the stones? He had the purple stone during the fight but didn't use it...just gave the Hulk a serious beating. Not sure how Spider-Man would have survived an encounter vs Thanos and certainly don't think Spider-Man would have "whipped" him as you stated.

That being said it's all comic-book fantasy so it's much akin to P4P rankings. haha
Someone posted this wonderful jpeg in another thread:

Marvel Cosmic Hierarchy.jpg

Meanwhile, this dude who has a YouTube Channel called "Comics Explained" goes into details on characters too powerful for good storytelling mechanics in the MCU. Here is the one about "The One Above All" (i.e. God / the MCU's controlling creative auteur). I haven't watched his other stuff, but I did take the time to watch this video, and he actually mentions the exact number of references this "character" has received throughout the history of Marvel Comics. Dude is a legit Nerdlord:

There are levels of infinity and about of a gazillion characters in Marvel with infinite power/virtual omnipotence, but there's still a hierarchy.
Does it matter? Batman is a much better character than the entire roster of Avengers despite having no superpowers at all. More focus on what makes an interesting hero/villain and less on whoever is the most "cosmic".

Because others are more powerful. There, that was simple.
Dr. Doom is better than Batman in every imaginable way, and he's more powerful.

Just an all around great man.

My Wakandan:)

Take Batman's strategic and martial arts abilities, add Tony Stark's genius, Doctor Strange's mastery of the mystic arts, the Kingpin's ability to manipulate people, Tywin Lannister's ruthlessness, an ego and lust for conquest that would make Genghis Khan blush and you have Doctor Doom:cool:

The icing on the cake is that Doom really does possess a(very!)twisted sense of honour and fair play. He will always keep his word...his exact word;)
Dr. Doom is better than Batman in every imaginable way, and he's more powerful.

Just an all around great man.

My Wakandan:)

Take Batman's strategic and martial arts abilities, add Tony Stark's genius, Doctor Strange's mastery of the mystic arts, Wolverine's killer instinct and an ego that would make Lex Luthor blush and you have Doctor Doom

The icing on the cake is that Doom really does possess a(very!)twisted sense of honour and fair play. He will always keep his word...his exact word.
Thanos doesn't have the stones like 99% of the time. Even without them he's a bad motherfucker though.
Not with prep time. Batman always gets the job done if given prep time. So you can say he is #1 smartest man in all of comics.
Prep time is gay. Oh if I ambush you with god tier weapons I don't own, I can win.

So amazing.
Wait...didn't Thanos beat the ever living shit out of the Hulk without using any of the stones? He had the purple stone during the fight but didn't use it...just gave the Hulk a serious beating. Not sure how Spider-Man would have survived an encounter vs Thanos and certainly don't think Spider-Man would have "whipped" him as you stated.

That being said it's all comic-book fantasy so it's much akin to P4P rankings. haha
In fact without the stones he pretty casually does stuff like beat the fuck out of the silver surfer. I love spidey but thanos would one shot him.
Someone posted this wonderful jpeg in another thread:

View attachment 504295

Meanwhile, this dude who has a YouTube Channel called "Comics Explained" goes into details on characters too powerful for good storytelling mechanics in the MCU. Here is the one about "The One Above All" (i.e. God / the MCU's controlling creative auteur). I haven't watched his other stuff, but I did take the time to watch this video, and he actually mentions the exact number of references this "character" has received throughout the history of Marvel Comics. Dude is a legit Nerdlord:

I'm not well versed in comic lore. To a casual like myself the most confounding aspect to JPEGs like this is that when I visit a Wiki page I learn things that don't make sense:

For example, it cites Mad Jim Jaspers as the most powerful non-cosmic being (a mortal man) in the whole greater Marvel omniverse. As a mortal there are multiple versions of him across universes. Apparently the Earth-616 variant is the most powerful. His own inferior alternate reality (Earth-238) version's mutant-hunting robot, "The Fury", successfully crossed realities, hunted him down, dueled him, and killed him. So where it "The Fury" in the chart? Why isn't it ranked above him? That's a head-to-head matchup, and Jaspers lost because all you have to do is port him out of material universes, apparently, to kill him.
Seems like a lot of the beings below him have power sets that could easily defeat him in this manner (ex. Franklin Richards, Matthew Malloy).

Furthermore, Taimut the Dreaming Celestial is listed there along with "The Fulcrum" as the most powerful beings in the world that aren't "The One Above All" itself:
But he was neutered in a scheme by a coalition of other Celestials, and put to slumber. Given, that's other cosmic beings teaming up, but eventually he was killed by the Exterminators. The summary here really doesn't paint the concept of a Being that near to omnipotence.
I'd honestly like Batman more if it was revealed he was on the most cutting edge PEDs on Earth. Because he is so rich he can afford the most expensive performance enhancing treatment that most people have no idea exists....treatment that would have roiders and stem cell patients in envy. Hell make it a character flaw. He is so enhanced from abusing all of these PEDs, stem cell therapy, and other cutting edge tech that he also suffers from side effects that affect him negatively.
Funny thing is, that exact premise has been done over 30 years ago in Batman : Venom by Denny O'Neill. Batman can't save a girl because he doesn't have the physical strength to lift off debris and ends up using Bane's drugs to enhance himself. The story is actually quite good.
Someone posted this wonderful jpeg in another thread:

View attachment 504295

Meanwhile, this dude who has a YouTube Channel called "Comics Explained" goes into details on characters too powerful for good storytelling mechanics in the MCU. Here is the one about "The One Above All" (i.e. God / the MCU's controlling creative auteur). I haven't watched his other stuff, but I did take the time to watch this video, and he actually mentions the exact number of references this "character" has received throughout the history of Marvel Comics. Dude is a legit Nerdlord:

I actually binge watched his videos last night and naturally I wanted to see the most powerful characters possible and it came down to this list (in order)

1) The one above all
2) Protege (theoretically he could match the one above all in strength if he witnesses his powers but at his peak he is #2)
3) The Chaos King
4) Marquis of Death (this dude is so bad ass)
5) Emperor God Joker.......yes Joker.
Someone posted this wonderful jpeg in another thread:

View attachment 504295

Meanwhile, this dude who has a YouTube Channel called "Comics Explained" goes into details on characters too powerful for good storytelling mechanics in the MCU. Here is the one about "The One Above All" (i.e. God / the MCU's controlling creative auteur). I haven't watched his other stuff, but I did take the time to watch this video, and he actually mentions the exact number of references this "character" has received throughout the history of Marvel Comics. Dude is a legit Nerdlord:

Someone posted this wonderful jpeg in another thread:

View attachment 504295
With the Infinity Stones he is up there. But a being such as the Living Tribunal can literally turn the stones powers off. Still, I would put him above the Celestials with all the stones. I don't read enough to compare him to many on that list. So where would Infinity Gauntlet Thanos stand on that list? Protege? Mad Jim Jaspers? That box with Shuma Gorath and Phoenix in it? Gotta be somewhere up there considering the level of universal power it has.
Dr. Doom is better than Batman in every imaginable way, and he's more powerful.

Just an all around great man.
Wasn't Doom getting smacked up by those C-list villains when he tried to be Iron Man?
In regards to the Natty division:

Punisher >>>> Batman.

Growing up, I always thought Punisher with an Ironman suit would be fucking awesome and then they did Punisher: War Machine recently. Never got around to reading it though.
Hell no Batman and his "Prep time" schtick is so lame. It means he can beat anyone. Gary Stu.

I get so tired of those Batman vs. ______ discussions. It just ends up being Batman wins because he can prepare for his opponents. Weak. Lame.

With Spiderman and Wolverine at least they have believable superhuman durability and abilities that could convince you they wouldn't be killed in a few seconds against ultra powerful cosmic beings in a millisecond.

I'd honestly like Batman more if it was revealed he was on the most cutting edge PEDs on Earth. Because he is so rich he can afford the most expensive performance enhancing treatment that most people have no idea exists....treatment that would have roiders and stem cell patients in envy. Hell make it a character flaw. He is so enhanced from abusing all of these PEDs, stem cell therapy, and other cutting edge tech that he also suffers from side effects that affect him negatively.

I remember a lot of similar discussions from Wolverine fans of how he could beat everybody.
So how powerful is Triangle Man compared to everyone. He does have wins over Particle Man and Person Man. (and Particle Man can do whatever a particle can)
Hell no Batman and his "Prep time" schtick is so lame. It means he can beat anyone. Gary Stu.

I get so tired of those Batman vs. ______ discussions. It just ends up being Batman wins because he can prepare for his opponents. Weak. Lame.

With Spiderman and Wolverine at least they have believable superhuman durability and abilities that could convince you they wouldn't be killed in a few seconds against ultra powerful cosmic beings in a millisecond.

I'd honestly like Batman more if it was revealed he was on the most cutting edge PEDs on Earth. Because he is so rich he can afford the most expensive performance enhancing treatment that most people have no idea exists....treatment that would have roiders and stem cell patients in envy. Hell make it a character flaw. He is so enhanced from abusing all of these PEDs, stem cell therapy, and other cutting edge tech that he also suffers from side effects that affect him negatively.

it wouldn't be that great of a character flaw b/c he'd beat it in 2 weeks or less. plenty of prep time to overcome side affects from PEDs and stem cell enhancements.