Why has no one talked about Conor's loyalty?


Blue Belt
Aug 14, 2012
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Loyal to a fault for a $100m net worth friend to stick his neck out for your broke ass. Although his actions were dumb and emotional, he loyal as fuck! #hespect
He should have fought Khabib in the UFC Octagon then.

Also, ask the cocaine ho and Dee if he's "loyal as fuck".
Im pretty sure its came up once or twice
Pretty much every McCunt fan is, what you talking about?
He did that for publicity, and to try and stay relevant while continuing to duck. Not for lil ol Artemis.
Many people have talked about it, its pretty much the main defence people are trying to make.
Loyal to a fault for a $100m net worth friend to stick his neck out for your broke ass. Although his actions were dumb and emotional, he loyal as fuck! #hespect

A lot of people HAVE been talking about his loyalty.
He should have fought Khabib in the UFC Octagon then.

Or at the very least confronted him face to face

Instead his "loyalty" might cost poor little Artemus his UFC career lmao
He did that for publicity, and to try and stay relevant while continuing to duck. Not for lil ol Artemis.
If Conor was a loyal friend he would tell artem he isn't UFC material and find a way to employ him as a coach or manager or something.
Loyal to a fault for a $100m net worth friend to stick his neck out for your broke ass. Although his actions were dumb and emotional, he loyal as fuck! #hespect

Location - Stoopidfuk, Ireland.
Nate was the first to say this to my knowledge.
He tried. Khabib refused to face him and stayed in the safety of his bus.

That is such bullshit. There are plenty of places where he could have made to opportunity to meet face to face happen. This was just a publicity stunt that he took way too far because he is an asshole and ended up injuring innocent people.

If he was for real, he would have found Khabib right after the bout in the hotel not run around outside a bus and cause shit when he knows handlers and security are bound to show up and protect his little ginger ass.