Why fighters eat avacado during weight-cut?


Black Belt
May 30, 2015
Reaction score
It has so much calories and doesnt fill you up. I rather have like 3 pieces of tilapia.
For relatively clean fat content [it's still saturated]

If fighters have been busting ass for weeks upon weeks/cutting weight and otherwise kicking their metabolic rates into hyperdrive, saturated fats get processed really quickly and help them feel less depleted (fats can prevent headrushes, dizziness, and other side-effects of dehydration)
yeah way to many cals good fats but id rather have a juicy fatty steak
For fats. Its okay on the weight cut week (high fat, low carb, low sodium)

To be honest most fighters aren't too knowledgeable in regards to dieting, unless they've been with a nutritionist, most I know follow some paleo, try to clean clean, or hippie kind of shit (eat until you're half full--any more and you'll gas, measure 1 or 2 handfuls, calorie counting is bs and doesn't work).
If you're trying to cut body fat, it isn't ideal, because as you say, it's calorie dense. But in the last few days of a weight cut, most people are concerned with water weight, not body fat. You're not going to lose much more than half a pound of bodyfat in the last 2-3 days.

So the keys there are low sodium (water retention), and energy-dense foods that don't weigh much. In terms of food, it literally becomes a matter of what is weighing you down in your gut. Bowel movements can make or break your weigh-ins, believe it or not.

It's very common to see people eating nuts, avocado, and dark chocolate just before weigh-ins for exactly this reason.
I read something somewhere about how animal based saturated fats are composed of short chain saturated fat and plant based like coconuts are medium chain which your body doesn't really absorb and metabolizes on the spot. Idk, it kind of sounds like vegan propaganda.