Why do UFC, or MMA fans in general act like as if it's bad to be a professional wrestling fan?

Drunk Bum

Oct 8, 2015
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Or act as if knowing what wrestling is makes them above it?

I see Sherdoggers act like as if thy don't know who Hulk Hogan is. Everyone knows who he is, regardless of fanboyism.

Being a fan of both does exist.

Neckbeard MMA fan posters aren't above pro wrestling.
nothing wrong with being a wrastling fan
i dont like when wrastling fans think that the same approach used by pro wrestlers to hype their carrer is usable in mma.
Now that American society is more accepting of homosexuality, i expect the stigma against pro wrestling to fade.
Conor fans plague these boards I dont see a difference.
WWE generally appeals to a certain age range, just like MMA generally appeals to a certain age range. People outgrow one and move on to the other. Then you'll outgrow both. No big deal. People whining about kids that like WWE have their own insecurities to deal with.
It's something you grow out of, if youre in middle school then its OK to watch it but once youre in high school its time to let it go
Pro wrestling is gay. If you want to watch that gay ass shit, go for it.
Only children and mentally handicapped adults like that shit TS.
the main problem is the fans act like it's a sport
if you liked oiled up roided dudes then yes the Wrastlin is for you.

Plus its fucking gay
Its because every sport and specifically ones with American fans tend to harbor some of the shittiest bro guy douches around. The people who hate on others who enjoy wrasslin are just bro guy douche bags who will cry when ESPN publishes an article about WWE or esports because they just love being salty bitches as if it even matters are ruined their day in the slightest.

Listen, MMA is my favorite sport, surpassing Football which was number 1 most of my life but before I was a big sports fan I watched wrestling and to this day still enjoy it for better or worse. Are the story lines cheesy? Hell yeah they are. WWE is about entertainment and that is what people who watch it seek. Its scripted, everyone knows so stop trying to point it out as if you discovered some sort of revelation, but the guys and gals in that ring put their bodies on the line multiple times in a week ,all year long, every year and they take bumps ALL the time and they don't see their families often as they are on the road most days.

And like I said, yes its scripted, and yes most of what they do is fake but like I also said they take hard bumps and sometimes take it even further for peoples entertainment so when you want to say its all just fake, as in their performance and not the outcome(because its fucking scripted) try to think about guys like Mick Foley who has dementia, has broken dozens of bones and received hundreds of stitches for wrestling, or guys like Daniel Bryan, Edge, Stone Cold and many other guys who have broken their necks and the concussions they received. 3 top guys are sidelined right now, Seth Rollins blew out his knee(ACL,MCL and Meniscus), Randy Orton needed shoulder then neck surgery and John Cena hurt his shoulder and required surgery too. A week ago 2 female wrestlers at a WWE NXT house show were hurt, Ric Flairs daughter broke her nose and another woman was kicked in the head and got a concussion.

Moral of the story, Wreslters put their bodies on the line for peoples entertainment, they do some awesome shit in that ring and thats what most if not all people tune in for. You don't have to like wrestling but you also don't have to be a bro guy scumbag and act like assholes towards wrestling and the people who enjoy it.

PS Fuck you bro guys, eat a dick
I dunno, it's pretty ghey, bro. Bunch of oiled up dudes in bikinis acting in a live soap opera.

I was a kid during the Stone Cold days so I was a big fan, but once my balls dropped I completely lost interest. ECW was the shit, though. Very few dudes in bikinis acting, lots of crazy fuckers hitting each other with various sharp objects and jumping from absurd heights.