Its easy to see why people don't like arrogant douches. Specially guys like May weather who waits till guys are way past their prime to fight them, beat them then claim he's the GOAT while inflicting 0 damage in combat sports. I can't call that greatness. I understand not all fights can end in a finish but Floyd goes overboard and then claims he's GOAT. He would've been DQ'd and lost lots of $$$ in a place like Pride. In MMA you have unbearable personalities like Ronda, Jenchenchick, Connor and the Mouse. It's impossible to like them. Not because they're "great" but the way they act. I don't like the way the late GSP fought but I don't hate him. Many fans also hate on him cuz of his retarded fans. Same with Silva and Fedor. That's when they're just "hating" because they don't hate the fighter for any particular reason, they just hate because they think their fighter should be #1 P4P GOAT. But yeah, I don't hate greatness, just attitudes like Ronda, JJ, McG, Jones. I prefer silent killers like Aldo, Fedor, Shogun, Lawler, and even Holm. And if you're gonna talk don't go full WWE. But I understand it sells. But fuck it I don't like it.