why do i stink now?!



I've always been into sports since I was a kid, but I've never had a bad smell from all the sweat.

I thought that it might be my gym bag, but I recently switched and it sin't that. I do take showers all the time!

Could it be the protein or other foods I am taking? I am taking protein shakes everyday (1-2), fish oil, and this GNC Mega Men Sport Dietary Supplement.

Any clues as to the culprit of my newfound stench?
Are you sure it's not your workout cloths? When I sweat a lot and don't wash my clothes for several days, it tends to stink and I have to throw it away.
Use soap and hot water in the showers.
hahaha.... you need soap for showering?!

well i dunno... i guess i was jsut probing for any types of food that COULD be the cause for this. i never wear the same workout clothes twice, and i always wear newly washed ones.

guess i'll have to see