Why do fighters get so fat in between camps?

So basically you did exactly what I thought you did. Or did you hold back and just order regular fries as opposed to chili cheese fries to keep it ‘sensible’?

I did exactly what I said I did. I ate like a human being for a couple of days and put on a lot of weight. No desserts, no snacks, I just ate what most people ate, and had a few beers.

You're more of a cunt with each post.
Because they like to eat.
That's why!
Sure, they could find other pleasures.
But no!

Fat cells grow but they never go away.

You work your ass off to shrink them, but they expand incredibly easily. Really hard to shrink, almost instant to expand.

I was on a strict diet for a year, went on vacation for a weekend, and put on fifteen pounds in less that three days.

Once you get fat, you're fucked for life. The number of people globally who lose more than five percent body weight and keep it off for two or more years is statistically zero.

Fighters who indulge when not in a camp are making the biggest mistake of their career. They're adding a hurdle for every camp they will ever have going forward.

Excellent post (as expected)
I spent a year dehydrating my fat cells, which has been my point all along. I had cut my carbs significantly for this time, and was exercising daily. Fat cells don't go away.

Three days of regular meals that included fries, pasta and beer, and I put on fifteen pounds. It was my fat cells re-hydrating.It was definitely almost all water.

It took me a month to shed it again, because that's how it works. I wasn't trying to just shed water, I was dehydrating my fat cells, which is a more meaningful way of doing the same thing. If I wanted to just sweat out the fifteen pounds I could have done it in a night.

I've never heard of someone gaining weight so quickly (outside of athletes cutting weight that is).

So when you personally lose or gain weight, it's all just water?
Most professional athletes do not perform at a super low body fat percentage. Even body builders only drop into single digits before a competition. You're going to perform better if you are allowing your muscles to store more glycogen. For fighters, a low body fat percentage is more essential not because it helps with performance but because of the weight classes. So in between fights, they are going to want to put on more weight in order to get the most out of their training.
'Cause being on an extremely strict diet and training regiment sucks dick and when it's over, you wanna eat a burger and chill.
I don't get it either. Guys like Rampage and Johnny Hendricks used to get like 20 lbs fatter after a fight and then have to lose it all in their next 8 week training camp.

I've tried dieting losing like 2 lbs a week and it SUCKS. My energy is down, I feel like a little bitch. Concentration is gone, aggression gone, confidence is gone. My strength is gone, my endurance is gone, and my recovery goes to crap. Biggest is the recovery -- I can only train half as much.

And I'm just talking about casual weight lifting.

How can you train as a pro athlete like that?????????

It's simple really, they dont exercise and or don't eat healthy during or after camps
I've never heard of someone gaining weight so quickly (outside of athletes cutting weight that is).

So when you personally lose or gain weight, it's all just water?

That's one way of looking it, although it's not that simple.

If you eat too much and create new fat cells, you have them for life. They're really hard to shrink, and they expand very quickly (if shrunk). That's why almost no obese person permanently sheds the weight, yo-yo weight is very common in people working hard to drop the weight, and almost every fad diet guarantees rapid weight loss in the first weeks.

Once you're fat, you're fucked. Yes, eating properly and getting a lot of exercise are incredibly important, but you'll only partially manage the weight. They're important to be healthy.

I know a lot of people, especially on Sherdog, hate the "love what you look like" message, but I have mixed feelings about it. I dislike that the message is too simple and never mentions that if you aren't fat yet, be smart and don't get fat. However, everyone mocks fat people, and living fat sucks. A lot of people are miserable and are ALWAYS going to be fat, so I get that some people out there are sending those people a somewhat positive message about them. I just think that message should include how important it is to eat properly and exercise. Accept how you look, but don't make it worse, and for God's sake get exercise. I have almost never seen that message.

And the people that celebrate obesity? They should be stopped. Fat isn't beautiful. It isn't healthy. There is a minuscule percentage of the population that actually wants to be obese, it's a fringe fetish. Just about everyone who is fat would prefer to be otherwise.
The weight cutting creates a perverted relationship with food for some that results in yo-yo dieting.

It's different from person to person though. Some literally just barely train when they don't have a fight.
Fighters who constantly balloon up in weight between fights and don't live the life style all year round tend to have shorter primes. Plus if you pack on the pounds then your fight camps end up becoming fat camps where you are focusing more on losing weight than working on the things you need to for the fight itself.
I’ve mentioned this in another thread, but I had a roommate in the service who ate garbage and never exercised, yet he was pretty much shredded. We were about the same height and I probably had about 50 pounds on him, but I could run him into the ground at any distance over a quarter mile. I was on the verge of being put on the “fat boy program” and he had a six pack. He was just that way naturally, no diet, no exercise.

You can eat like shit and "look" like you're in shape if you're at a caloric deficit. I did this for years and my weight rarely changed by more than 5lbs at any given time.
You can eat like shit and "look" like you're in shape if you're at a caloric deficit. I did this for years and my weight rarely changed by more than 5lbs at any given time.

I’m not an expert, but I assume that by “caloric deficit”, you mean burning more than you consume. If so, I don’t know how he could have achieved that, he had a desk job and was largely a couch potato otherwise. Just crazy genetics, I guess.
Op you that stupid you can't figure it out for yourself?
Depends on the weight class and how much weight needs to be dropped from dieting.

You certainly shouldn't diet a lot of weight because that ultimately means less fights per year. You'll spend lots of time dieting before a fight and replacing lost lean mass following.

You'll also be screwed by accepting short-notice fights as you'll have to assume steep caloric deficits which will negatively impact performance during camp and fight night.
I was shocked when I saw Maidana! Have you seen Ricky Hatton?? He porked it up too.,.

And Tyson Fury, he was ~400 lbs allegedly earlier this year..

Fury is getting back to shape, Maidana is retired and enjoying his money why would he give a fuck about weight. But since, we speaking about retired fighters.
You can't stay shredded/fight shape year round without help or freak genetics. I also don't think it's good on your body to deprive yourself year round.

I think Jon Jones had the right idea. Be completely normal and eat what you want, train like a mad man for 3 months, go back to normal. You gotta rest your body.
Lets remember that some fighters don’t train 365 because they don’t make enough money to pay for that expensive and elite training; some of them only train when in a fight negotiation or in actual camp (a full camp is extremely expensive if you don’t have sponsorship help with food, clothing, or even money to pay for coaching) and some of those fighters, believe it or not, are top 10 UFC.

Most TUF fighters first fight is usually to get in to the UFC and is not the weight they want to fight at. Then there are fighters like big rigg who just are lazy or dont have the will power.

Agree! The guys that actually cut a lot of weight are the ones that fought at TUF on a higher weight division, and then once signed with the organization, went down a weight class.

And then as you said, some of those last asses that doesn’t cut weight at all, manlets fighting at FW or even LW...

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