why did nick diaz pose on the ground against a.silva?

I've truly always wondered this myself, the sheep of the world thought it was the best thing ever and I honestly didn't get it.

Everybody thought that he was a bad ass for doing it, ....and I felt like I was the only one saying to myself.... he's putting himself in a submissive/lesser position and looking like a time-wasting dummy.
Because he gives no fucks and he was high.
To let Silva know he is the king of taunts.
he would kill anderson on the ground, he basically beat him on the feet
I think he was trying to get a fight going
Anderson likes to goof, Nick was making fun out of him.......... same reason he backed up to the cage and waved Anderson in
badassery taunting
and honestly although i always root for anderson, that was funny and spontaneous i liked it
Anderson is afraid of attacking first, and if his opponents refuse to overcommit themselves he resorts to taunting. Everybody has this figured out since Maia fight. I think Nick was showing that he will not play Anderson's game.
Anderson likes to goof, Nick was making fun out of him.......... same reason he backed up to the cage and waved Anderson in

This + 70% just on account of being Nick fucking Diaz and being able to afford to simply do things that he wants. And that is great.
Sounds dumb but that alone won the fight! 10 years from now, people will remember that instead of the few more shots landed for Silva to win decision. Long story short, the Diaz boys are the baddest mother fuckers of all time!