Why Did Fans Project Conor To Be Some Kind Of Invincible Overtly Wealthy MMA Guy.

Genki Sudo II

Blue Steel Ferrari Le Tigre They're The Same Face!
Jun 27, 2011
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In truth he's not relatively richer than say the next big draw and hes not invincible obviously. Was it some kind of ruse to collect as much fight ransom by projecting his inflated wealth and skill by him and his fans.

Of course he's wealthy, skilled, and above avg but to talk it up as if any other MMA draw are all entry level schmucks working for scraps with obsolete skills compared to him and Touch-butt Ido just makes him sound ridiculous. Now that the hype is derailed for now will the projection continue?
Was that not the UFC media machine projecting that?
People just want to believe, when they should be skeptical.
Irish people aren't used to having decent fighters. Give them time to adjust to having a good fighter
Conor and media projected it, fanatics received and repeated it
Drama sells, I must admit I got sucked into the drama of this fight but I never believed the hype about McGregor being indestructible, there was simply not enough data backing this up.
The insufferable hype is worth it for the inevitable fallout though.
People just want to believe, when they should be skeptical.
So true. People build these guys up and then act offended when the hype they helped create falls through.
Koscheck >>> Coner.

that being said, the hype never dies. The UFC has proven time and time again that it isn't afraid to stick with a pick. I mean fuck, look what happened to Ronda and they still use her name in every third breath. Conner shouldn't figure to fall nearly as far as Ronda did. I'm sure that we'll be treated to multiple "How will he bounce back" segments and "This loss is the best thing that ever happened to me" type promos over the next year.
Don't blame the fans. Conor wanted to be Floyd without developing the skill, building the record, and actually earning the money.
Conor got into his position by winning fights in devastating, impressive fashion. If he is going to get back to that position he would have to do the same for the next 5 or so fights. If he does that and avenging the Nate loss then all might be forgotten.

I doubt Conor will talk shit now. I mean listen to him. He will come back humble and try to get results before being overtly cocky again. Which is sad because his cocky attitude was hilarious.
Most people are dumb, combine them into a mob and you get a dumb mob. Make that mob Irish and you get the same but with a bunch of drunk people.
He wants to be Floyd, but he can't. Because Floyd actually makes eight figures, Conor just gets rentals from the UFC.
How many times have guys like Reem lost and come back?

Sorry, Conor haters. Mcgregor is about 30 losses away from being cut or losing his appeal.
How many times have guys like Reem lost and come back?

Sorry, Conor haters. Mcgregor is about 30 losses away from being cut or losing his appeal.
No one said he's a bum. It's was the crazy hype machine building up to this point that felt ridiculously like a WWE work.
People want to believe in something greater than themselves. It's human nature. Religion figured that out a long time ago.
Used the UFC and media to help him get that cool million dollar check. With the fickle, flash in the pan mma career you do what you have to do to make that money. He had everyone buy into it and it worked like a charm. With the PPV cut he will get a pretty nice payday and even with the loss, he will still have people tuning in to see him defend his belt vs. Frankie and want to see him lose 2 in a row.
In pro-wrestling parlance, this is when we get a "face turn." Humble, good-guy McG will likely be what we see for a while. "Notorious" just got burned and needs to chill for a bit. He now needs a good babyface name... "Irish Stallion" or maybe "Irish Pony?" Dunno.
its pretty hard to doubt his wealth, whatever anyone says
Why are fans acting like Conor's suddenly some kind of unproven hype job like Sage or PVZ. Dude ran through the FW division and ko'd Jose Aldo in 13 seconds. Its like you people just cant wait for someone to fail.