Why can't I find these UFC DVD's?

Amy Robinson

Amateur Fighter
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I was wondering why I can't find UFC 40, 41, and 42 in stores anywhere? I've seen every other one starting at UFC 43, but before then I can't find any.So is it just my local stores or do they not have them everywhere? And if you can't get them in stores does anybody know which website has them for the cheapest? -Thanks!
Google different companies dude. They are out there.
yelm said:
ufc.tv has them.

Yeah, I thought they might be less expensive on another site, so if anybody knows. They have them here for $24.95, $34.95, and $34.95 each, which is pretty steep when you add it up, almost $100.00 for only 3 DVDS. Sherdog how about hooking me up with a super-saver package?
All of those DVD's are double disc sets loaded with extras, 39 through 42 are really great DVD's, but they are hard to find.