Why are they not promoting Nunes like they did with Ronda?

Except it isn't race baiting. In the US, it is white privilege is openly dissed and I'm sure Ronda has a bit more white privilege than Nunes. Some times facts can make you butt hurt.

"In the US, it is white privilege is openly dissed and I'm sure Ronda has a bit more white privilege than Nunes"

Lmao you can't even write a proper sentence, and you're going on about white privilege hahaha
I remember after Ronda got Holly'd, there was a time when zero 135 fights were booked and several fighters said Sean Shelby wasn't returning their calls/texts. 135 was obviously meant to be Rondaweight and without her, UFC just doesn't care that much. 115 is their new pet female division because of Zhang.
Nah, it's really not. It's by far most of the time, but not all of the time. The world is not that black and white.
Yeah I don't know what to tell you if you think the UFC does Black History Month stuff for any reason other than corporate PR and profit. With all due respect, that's just a hilarious belief. You can't look at the stuff that the UFC let's fighters say and then be like, yup, the UFC is all about diversity for diversity's sake.
I remember after Ronda got Holly'd, there was a time when zero 135 fights were booked and several fighters said Sean Shelby wasn't returning their calls/texts. 135 was obviously meant to be Rondaweight and without her, UFC just doesn't care that much. 115 is their new pet female division because of Zhang.
That and 45. Or men's 125. It's entirely the UFC's fault that they chose to not build those divisions and half assed them. You can't expect to have a star when their division is so thin.
Because she isn't dropping professional boxers with body shots and
has bad headmoobment.
Yeah I don't know what to tell you if you think the UFC does Black History Month stuff for any reason other than corporate PR and profit. With all due respect, that's just a hilarious belief. You can't look at the stuff that the UFC let's fighters say and then be like, yup, the UFC is all about diversity for diversity's sake.

That and 45. Or men's 125. It's entirely the UFC's fault that they chose to not build those divisions and half assed them. You can't expect to have a star when their division is so thin.

Letting people say things is having diversity of thought. Limiting their speech is limiting diversity. People are more than just their skin color, bud. They also have feelings and thoughts, in great diversity.
Letting people say things is having diversity of thought. Limiting their speech is limiting diversity. People are more than just their skin color, bud. They also have feelings and thoughts, in great diversity.
Yeah, if you think the UFC doesn't limit speech and has a free for all, you are naive. Just because a certain kind of speech isn't limited doesn't mean freedom of expression (in the private sense). You'll notice, for example, fighters better not say shit about fighter pay or unionizing or that there are different rules depending on how much of a draw you are. Or that journalists/media better ask the right questions or they'll be blackballed or the UFC will go after the actual publications and try to bankrupt them.

So yes, please tell me how the UFC doesn't limit diversity of thought lol.
The blue hairs don't even know what an MMA is , and what's that anyway 1-5 % of the population , great target market LOL , they will just be rolling in the cash with such a huge audience

Not a numbers guy are you?

4.5% of the population identifies as LGBTQ, but lets say it's 1%.

1% of the global population is 700 million people thats more than double the US population, but lets say hypothetically no one else on earth matters.

1% of the US population is 30 million people. If you get 10% of that 1% with no bleedover into other demos you're talking about 3 million potential customers. If you get just 10% of that 3 million to buy 3 cards a year that's a million extra PPV buys in a year. Getting basically none of the US market. $70 mil in revenue for the cost of a few pride flags is what is typically known as solid ROI.

Thats not even accounting for how much more expendable income the LGBTQ community has compared to other groups. You're suggesting a 4 billion dollar company is to big for a trillion dollar consumer base.
i dont think its about personality either, Ronda sounded like a 6th grader who was determined to show the world she could do what she wanted.
Eric Cartman-ish, if you will. Why do people latch on to a bitch but can’t get on board with a wholesome woman like Nunes? Not calling Ronda a bitch but her persona was that of a bitch.

No offense, mate, but going by this part, I don't think you understand how marketing works in this day and age.

People love drama. Ronda created tons of it. Nunes creates none.

Ronda was okay looking. Nunes isn't.

Ronda's fights were pretty much always entertaining. She ran through people fast. Nunes has put on some boring stinkers champ.

Companies like the UFC will always prefer to have a champ like Ronda than someone like Nunes. It's sad, but it's the truth.
Yeah, if you think the UFC doesn't limit speech and has a free for all, you are naive. Just because a certain kind of speech isn't limited doesn't mean freedom of expression (in the private sense). You'll notice, for example, fighters better not say shit about fighter pay or unionizing or that there are different rules depending on how much of a draw you are. Or that journalists/media better ask the right questions or they'll be blackballed or the UFC will go after the actual publications and try to bankrupt them.

So yes, please tell me how the UFC doesn't limit diversity of thought lol.

They do limit speech. Again, it's not a black and white matter. The UFC is not either the beacon of altruism, or the soulless machine of capatalism. It's a huge company, with thousands of employees and levels of executive branches. Not every decision will be in-line with what Dana or Ari would do. Or maybe only partially overlapse with what they would do. Dana does not have the time, nor energy to micro-manage his entire company.

Thats why, and have you heard her on a mic, like ever?
The UFC is not either the beacon of altruism, or the soulless machine of capatalism.
Fighter wage share says it's the latter. I don't really say that as judgement. But call a spade a spade. The UFC is a lot of the worst aspects of capitalism on steroids, you aren't going to find many legal industries with the profit margins and labor wage share of the UFC.
Fighter wage share says it's the latter. I don't really say that as judgement. But call a spade a spade. The UFC is a lot of the worst aspects of capitalism on steroids, you aren't going to find many legal industries with the profit margins and labor wage share of the UFC.

No buddy, reality is just more complex than your insistent black and white view of it

The wage pay is bad, but could be much worse. Fighters aren't killing themselves by jumping of the company building's roof, like they do at Apple. I bet Apple had some good black history month promotional material though!
I'm not saying how it should be fixed or even that needs to be, that's a whole nother ball of wax. But race clearly matters in society, for better or worse. And the UFC isn't some island that is divorced from that. Hell, you can even lean into these expectations for more promotional juice. But race clearly matters in combat sports, just like it does in life. Saying it doesn't doesn't magically handwave that away.

Since you seem to have been a fan for a while, consider the Rampage/Rashad fight. It's one of the UFC's best selling PPVs from that era, especially when you consider it wasn't a Conor or Brock selling. The biggest line people remember from it is Rampage leaning into the stereotype of a dumb ghetto black dude and saying how people would get to see some Black on Black crime. And then Rashad calling him out for pretending to be a dumb black guy. If you can't see the racial undertones in that, I don't know what to tell ya.

See, the Rampage-Rashad example you give undercuts your previous statement about how hard it is to market black fighters. Rampage had his way of doing it, and it worked. And Rashad went the other way and tried to call out Rampage, and that worked too. Black Americans have been at the top of the sporting world for a very long time now. Both white and black fans understand and are able to embrace a wide variety of personalities when it comes to black athletes.

Also, "racial undertones" means what exactly. Race exists? What we should be worried about would be racist undertones, but that's not what happened here.

You cant force people to care. Dont know why people continue to not understand this after all these years.

You can give a fighter all the promotion, all the big events, main event spots etc and it doesnt mean they will get over.

Nunes is two div champ, has main evented 2 PPV that did over a million buys including UFC 200. She's beaten Ronda, HOlm, Cyborg, Tate and yet She main evented a show not long ago that did under 100k.

Sorry thats not on UFC, thats on fans not giving a shit about her despite her greatness just like they didnt care about MM and they dont care about countless other fighters.

Certain fighters pop for whatever reason, their looks, fighting style, personality, country they are from backs them, a combo of things.

This isnt a fair sport where all you have to do is be great and you'll be a mega star, same with Boxing.

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